Celebrating National Breakfast Month
Published 11:52 am Monday, September 19, 2016
- Jennifer Howard
September is National Breakfast Month and many people have trouble eating breakfast.
Maybe you never seem to have enough time in the morning. Or you may be one of those people who just are not hungry at the start of the day.
Well, maybe it’s time to reconsider whether or not you are a “breakfast eater.”
There are plenty of reasons why eating breakfast is a good idea. And, there are endless possibilities to help you have an affordable, healthy, convenient, tasty breakfast.
Breakfast eaters, compared to those who skip breakfast, tend to weigh less. Eating breakfast may help you control calorie intake throughout the day. It may also help you maintain a more steady level of energy, so you can avoid that afternoon slump. So, if eating breakfast can help you control your weight and give you more energy throughout the day, maybe it’s worth a little extra effort. People who eat breakfast tend to have healthier diets with more vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Even if you are not hungry in the morning, eating a balanced breakfast can get your day off to a good start. Some people find they are less hungry before lunch and have a better morning if they include some protein at breakfast from milk, egg, cheese, peanut butter or cereal. Having a breakfast that includes fiber also helps you stay full longer. Try oatmeal bars or cereal bars with at least 3 grams of fiber in each serving.
If you need to grab breakfast-to-go in a hurry, you will need to plan ahead to avoid the morning rush. Fresh fruit, cereal bars, hard boiled eggs, a cheese sandwich or even leftover pizza can be eaten for breakfast. You can make your own breakfast wraps or muffins at home to eat on the go. Yogurt and smoothies can be purchased in to-go containers or you can make your own servings to put in a travel container.
The most important thing about breakfast is to eat it! With a little planning you can make breakfast an easy part of your day. Give it a try for a week to see if you feel better.
For more information on nutritious meals, contact the Clark County Extension Office at 744-4682 or visit us on the web at http://ces.ca.uky.edu/clark.