Clark County history in the Advertiser
Published 10:27 am Friday, October 21, 2016
As was the case for Winchester, most of what can be learned about Clark County from the pages of the Advertiser comes from notices placed by subscribers and businesses.
There was only one county store — Lindsay & Bush at “Boonsborough” — that ran regular ads: “Lindsay & Bush inform their friends and the public that they have just received a neat and elegant assortment of New Goods, which they are determined to sell at the most reduced prices for Cash or Tobacco….”
The subscriber, N. L. Lindsay, asked “all those indebted to him to call and settle their accounts.”
This was Nimrod Long Lindsay, who came to Clark County from Culpeper County, Virginia, with his father Thomas. It is uncertain if the store was in Clark or Madison, as both sides of the river were referred to then as “Boonesborough.” His Bush partner cannot be identified — too many Bushes.
Regular ads were placed for various mills in the county. In 1814, Henry Parrish declared he was taking the place of William Taylor, who had operated a fulling mill on Lower Howard’s Creek and had died that year:
“The subscriber returns his thanks to his friends and the public for a generous share of their custom since the death of Mr. Taylor, and wishes to inform them that he will carry on the Weaving and Fulling business in all its branches this winter, and will receive and deliver clothes the first day of every Court in Winchester at Mr. William Poston’s store. Henry Parrish, Clark County, Lower Howard’s Creek.”
Two years later, the fulling mill had a new operator: “The subscriber informs his friends and the public that he intends carrying on the Fulling Business in Clarke county, Lower Howard’s creek, at the mill formerly occupied by William Taylor, deceased. His Works being entirely new, he flatters himself that he will be enabled to do their work as good and as cheap as any other person. Stephen Miller”
There were numerous gristmills in the county, though none advertised in the paper. There were ads for millstones, however, which were manufactured at a quarry near Pilot Knob: “James Daniel has for sale mill-stones of a superior quality made at the Red River quarry by himself and Spencer Adams.”
Land sales were frequently listed, such as the following in 1814: “For sale, tract of land 120 to 270 acres, lying on the road from Combs Ferry to Paris, and between Strode and Todd’s roads leading from Winchester to Lexington, and adjoining Hubbard Taylor Esq., Maj. Brassfield and Capt. Colby H. Taylor. Lays well, tolerable water, good title, apple and peach orchards, pastures and meadow, 60 or 70 acres cleared. John W. Hinde, Clark County”
John W. Hinde was the son of Dr. Thomas Hinde, who achieved fame in Virginia — served as personal physician to Patrick Henry; treated the dying General Wolfe at Quebec during the French and Indian War — before moving to Clark County at an early date.
“To be sold at public auction on Saturday, October 8, a tract of land where Henry Hieronamus now lives, containing 120 acres, including warehouse and ferry owned by said Hieronamus, on Kentucky River between Combs’ warehouse and the mouth of Boon’s creek. John Wilkerson”
Warehouses along the Kentucky River were important storage and loading points for goods destined for shipment to New Orleans.
“J. R. and Jesse Hampton give notice that they have purchased the tobacco warehouse lately owned by Thomas W. Shepard, and that it is about three miles nearer to Winchester and the neighborhood of Four Mile than any tobacco warehouse on the Kentucky river.”
Horses were essential for transportation as well as farming operations in early Clark County. As the animals frequently strayed, there were laws dealing with how strays were to be treated when found, an event so frequent that the county had a stray pen near the courthouse in Winchester. As indicated in the notices below, some suspected their horses were stolen rather than strayed:
“Taken up by Elijah Crosthwaith, living near Winchester, an iron grey colt, two years old next spring, branded with the letter S on its off shoulder, has a star on his forehead, his near hind foot white. Appraised to $15.”
“$50 reward for a horse stolen out of my stable on Monday night the 10th, a dark bay horse. Mathew Anderson, 2 miles northeast of Winchester”
Jeremiah Bush reported that he found “between Upper and Lower Sandusky [Ohio], a bay horse with a star and snip, four years old, near 15 hands high…thought to be left by some of the mounted men under Gen. McArthur. The owner can get him by applying to me in Clark County, near Boonsborough.”
Duncan McArthur led a regiment of Kentucky volunteers during the War of 1812.
The paper served as the place to post all kinds of lost and found notices:
“Lost, on Monday evening after sunset near Hornback’s mill, perhaps between the mill and the parting of the Winchester and Mount Sterling roads, a pair of saddle bags, of a reddish cast and furnished with an elegant lock, in which were between 75 and 100 dollars in silver. Ten dollars reward. James Shortridge”
“Found, about a mile and a half from Winchester, on the great road leading from this place to the Iron Works, a lady’s outside dress of Stuff and a pair of kidskin Gloves. Samuel Morton”
“Lost, on the 27th of November, a new Saddle and a plated kirb [curb] Bridle; also a Shirt, Overalls, workman’s apron and a wallet of Clothes. Benjamin Rankins” A curb chain is a piece of horse tack required for proper use on any type of curb bit.
“Found, on Sunday last, at Friendship Meeting House, a Great Coat. The owner may have the same by applying at this office and paying for this advertisement.” Presumably inserted by one of the editors.
Another type of notice was often run by husbands seeking to avoid paying any debts run up by their estranged wives:
“Whereas my wife Nancy has left my bed and board without any just cause, this is to forewarn all persons from trusting her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date. Orson Martin”
Rev. William W. Martin, one of the editors, occasionally announced the time and place where he would be preaching:
“William W. Martin will preach at Sugar Ridge on Sunday the 16th [1814] at 11 o’clock and in Winchester at 4 o’clock.”
Sugar Ridge Presbyterian Church was located between Mt. Sterling Road and Ecton Road and between Stoner and Little Stoner Creeks.
The 1814 issues of the Winchester Advertiser may be viewed at the Clark County Public Library; check with the reference desk.