Fiscal court awards $60K from foundation

Published 2:47 pm Friday, November 25, 2016

A dozen non-profits and two other public programs each received a share of nearly $60,000 from the Clark County Fiscal Court Fund Wednesday.

The recommendations from the committee of three magistrates were presented during the Clark County Fiscal Court’s meeting.

Magistrate Sheila McCord, who led the committee, said 20 non-profits applied for money from the Fiscal Court Fund, which is partially funded by the proceeds from the sale of the former Rockwell International property years ago.

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The committee recommended using $17,000 to pay the debt service on the pool at College Park gym and $3,500 for a community fireworks show for July 4, 2017.

The other awards were:

— Labor Day Committee, $2,500

— Community Education, $5,000.

— Clark County Prescription Assistance, $2,000

— Martin Luther King Jr. committee, $1,000

— Bluegrass Heritage Museum, $4,000

— Heritage Commission, $10,000 for new roof at Holly Rood

— Partners in Education, $2,000

— Daniel Boone Pioneer Festival, $5,000

— Chamber of Commerce Beautification, $1,500

— Rapha Ministries, $1,500

— Clark County Homeless Coalition, $2,000

— Clark County Community Services, $3,500.

The balance of $41,764.93 was reserved for other county projects to serve the public.

“We put some aside last year for an emergency expense or the bell tower,” McCord said. “It kind of goes in the rainy day fund.”

The fiscal court instituted a formal application process this year, which McCord said went well but may receive a few tweaks for 2017.

The funds will be presented after Dec. 1.

The court also approved a resolution requesting an environmental impact study for a natural gas pipeline which may be repurposed to carry natural gas liquids.

The former Tennessee Gas Pipeline, now owned by Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, runs for 256.4 miles in Kentucky, 6.7 of which are in Clark County, according to information from Kentuckians for the Commonwealth.

Craig Williams of the Kentucky Environmental Foundation told the magistrates other counties in Kentucky approved the resolution. Some, like Madison County, approved ordinances requiring permits before any work is done on the pipeline, Williams said.

Clark County Judge-Executive Henry Branham said the concerns focus on the age of the 72-year-old pipeline and the weight liquids would add.

The resolution was approved unanimously Wednesday, so Clark County would be on record before the federal public comment period ends Dec. 2.

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About Fred Petke

Fred Petke is a reporter for The Winchester Sun, the Jessamine Journal and the State Journal. His beats include cops, courts, fire, public records, city and county government and other news. To contact Fred, email or call 859-759-0051.

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