Letters to the editor from March 9, 2017

Published 11:33 am Thursday, March 9, 2017

Appreciative of Black History Month coverage

We, The Winchester Black History and Heritage Committee, take this occasion to let The Winchester Sun know how much we appreciate the hard work that was put into preparing the articles featuring Black History Month celebrations. It was a lot of work and only someone with devotion like Whitney Leggett could had made this possible.

The articles that highlighted our history as citizens of Winchester needed to be told, needs to be learned and needs to be recorded. We are finding out every day that every life is a story. If we don’t share these stories, they will never be told correctly nor will they be preserved.

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We agree with Nelson Mandela: “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.”

So, we are thanking you for your creative and journalistic flair that shared American history with those who what to know about the black history and hidden heritage right here in Winchester.

Joyce Morton

Winchester Black History and Heritage Committee

Enjoy reading Jean Brody columns

I just want to drop in and say how much I appreciate reading The View from the Mountains by Jean Brody. I laugh and cry at her stories. She truly is an amazing woman and storyteller. I have been blessed to know her these past few years. She has been a true friend to my 104-year-old mother and to me.

Thanks, Jean, and keep the stories coming. We sure miss you. Hugs friend.

Ed and Charlotte Stupski

Littleton, Colorado

West side of town does have parks

This is in response to Pete Koutoulas’ letter about the need for more parks on west side of town.

We already have several parks on the west side of town. Plus, The Greater Clark Foundation is going to build one where the old hospital was on West Lexington Avenue.

The ones that are on the west side of town are located on Arlington Road called Fairfield, Community Park on CG Stephenson Drive and Harmon Field on Meadow Street.

Kenny Book

Winchester City Commissioner

Free press is important

I liked Mike’s column “Free press isn’t a partisan issue.” I agree with you. It’s not a partisan issue. It’s freedom of speech. This country was built, by God and our forefathers, on this principle. It was established for people with different ideas coming together to make it a better place to live

This freedom of speech, without harmful repercussion, it what has made this country a bright and shining star to other countries. It’s because we have honored and practiced this belief that we have been blessed by God.

However, I don’t believe it’s the people who peacefully speak out or march that cause confusion. It’s the paid thugs and bullies that turn this event into an ugly occasion.

You see on TV the burning of cars, breaking out of windows, causing property damage and harming people. This is the part that sells news and the good is never seen. This is why so many people are turned off with this rightful event.

This even control of people that are out to destroy the idea of freedom or even our country should be punished. These evil people are consumed with the desire to control and enslave everyone else. This is what hurts the image of our country to others that look to America for the last hope in a world out of control.

I think we should pray that our leaders of both parties let go of their egos and do what is best for this country. Remember, Rome was not destroyed from the outside, but within. Sometimes I believe our mind gets clouded and other things become more important to us.

We all should step back, take a deep breath and remember freedom is precious. We need to remember in our lifetime we should stand for something, that’s right, or we will fall for anything. Remember, our actions leave footprints in time, whether we know it or not. There is an old saying, “together we stand or divided we fall.” Pray this does not happen to this country.

Gatewood Woosley
