Planning ahead: Officials gauging progress on comp plan

Published 4:00 pm Saturday, May 13, 2017

Another round of public workshops this week gave those working to update the county’s comprehensive plan a gauge to see if they are on the right track.

Two of the sessions were set this week, including one Thursday at the Clark County Extension Office. A meeting room was lined with posters showing comments and ideas determined by committee members from public input. Those attending this week could put a red dot to sho whether they agreed or disagreed with the statement. There were also places to leave notes with other ideas or comments.

“We wanted to meet with the public and see if we’re getting it right,” Winchester Planning Director Robert Jeffries said. “If there’s anything we need to tweak, after these (sessions) we’ll tweak them.”

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The comprehensive plan is a document to set guidelines and proper land use in the city and county. Zoning requests are approved or denied partially on whether or not they fit within the comprehensive plan.

While the plan could be re-adopted, Jeffries said previously he expected this update would be significant.

The 15-member committee hired Taylor Siefker Williams Design Group, of Louisville, to serve as a consultant for the process.

Clark County students have offered their input as well, whether as drawings of what they’d like to see or in answering brief surveys including what they’d like to see in Winchester.

“I think Jurassic Park was my favorite,” Jeffries said, “But (the student) made a point of having fun parks. There’s always improvement in everything we do.”

Jeffries said he expected to have a final updated plan by September or October.

About Fred Petke

Fred Petke is a reporter for The Winchester Sun, the Jessamine Journal and the State Journal. His beats include cops, courts, fire, public records, city and county government and other news. To contact Fred, email or call 859-759-0051.

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