Practice fireworks safety this July 4 holiday

Published 12:28 pm Monday, June 12, 2017

The Fourth of July is just a short distance away now, the holiday of the summer that most children look forward to during school vacation. With that said, encourage safety with your children during this potentially dangerous time of year. It is good to set a few rules for children to abide by while watching and setting off fireworks. Discussed below are just a few ideas for you and your family to follow to have a happy and safe holiday.

— Start out by looking for an appropriate space or area that is big enough for fireworks. Clear the area of any things which could be damaged like cars, houses and other property.

— Stay away from grass, straw, hay or any other flammable beds. Be sure to look for a gravel or concrete area for safe lighting and residuals.

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— Have adults or responsible teens be the only ones allowed to light fireworks.

— Remember that alcohol and fireworks do not mix. Have a “designated lighter.”

— Watch out for animals.

— Do not use homemade or illegal fireworks.

— Watch and feel for changes in wind direction while lighting fireworks to prevent backfire or getting burned. Use long matches to prevent burning someone’s fingers.

— Never relight a “dud.” Wait 20 minutes and then soak in water.

— Keep aerosol cans away from the fire, like bug sprays.

— Have water close by in case a fire does break out. Use a water hose or bucket.

— Be considerate of your neighbors. Clean up your mess!

So, in having your Fourth of July party this year, be proactive and make it a safe one. Pick out an area that is safe for lighting fireworks, always use adult supervision, be considerate of your neighbors’ property, and do not to forget to clean up your mess.

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