Letters to the Editor for June 14, 2017

Published 3:22 pm Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Thanks to GRC baseball

fans for support

Thursday night, the George Rogers Clark High School baseball team fell short of our ultimate goal of the state championship.

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After the sting of the loss fades, these young men will remember many things about the game. They will remember the lights, the sounds and the feel of the grass under their feet.

What I hope they remember most, however, is that they had the entire town behind them. From the good luck handshake in the grocery store, to the local business signs and to all the honking horns down the bypass,  I say “thank you.”

Whitaker Bank Ballpark was a sea of Cardinal red cheering for our boys. We saw proud grandparents and young kids alike wearing their team jerseys. What an awesome showing for these young men.

This is why the kids play and we coaches coach — for the love of the game. Thank you, Clark County, for your support.

Matt Ginter


What happened to America? 

I wonder how many people will just ignore this like they do with the things going on in America.

I’m so sick of hearing about Social Security, medicare, welfare, prescription drugs or anything else the middle class, elderly or poor need are handouts and not earned by the hard working people that need them.

We have a government that thinks it’s deserving of high pay, free medical — the best I may add — and very high retirement pay. When and where this came about is a question that will never be answered because not one person in this country thinks its their congressman. Oh no, not mine. He doesn’t do that.

Well, let me assure you, they all do. If the money spent on cars, bodyguards, vacations, dinners, houses and anything else they want would be taken away and a reasonable amount given to them, the debt of the U.S. would be greatly diminished.

I’ve heard it said Social Security is not earned its like welfare, well let me tell you all, that I myself worked from the time I was 16 until I was 67 and I earned the small amount of Social Security I get. Let me assure you, it’s not in the millions like the congressman get, that’s for sure.

Another issue is our Veterans. what is wrong with this government? Those men and woman fought to keep this country free, Millions of men and woman gave there lives for us, and now that they need help, they live in the streets, with no house, food or medication, and Congress thinks this is alright.

I’m so ashamed of the way they are treated by this government and the people around them. It’s just another thing gone wrong and no one to do anything about it.

When I was in school, I said the Pledge of Allegiance every day, also prayed everyday. It did not disturb me in any way. Now they do not teach regular math or cursive writing.

Why is this? I for one do not want my children or grandchildren to become a computer idiot. There is more in life than that. We are training the people to fly our planes, make bombs and anything else terrorism calls for. We are paying millions for immigrants to live in this country and use welfare, free medical and anything else they can get for free.

Ohm please don’t say anything. You will upset someone! Too bad, is what I say. It’s the middle class people and poor people that are paying for this, not the government or rich people, let me assure you of this.

So, if you read this, please send it to anyone who is interested in trying to bring back America the way it use to be, where people took care of people and hard working people made a decent living to raise their family.

Patty Midboe

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