Author speaking at potluck
Published 11:41 am Monday, June 19, 2017
- Explosion of Knowledge
The Clark County Public Library is pleased to welcome Clark County resident Joan Mayer, as the speaker for June’s Local History Potluck dinner Thursday.
Mayer will talk about her recently published memoir “Of Family and Place.” Her book is a thoroughly-documented family history and genealogy, and a highly entertaining local history full of engaging stories about the Iroquois Hunt Club, for which both Joan’s father and, later, Joan herself were masters of the Hunt.
“Of Family and Place” is also filled with anecdotes about people, animals and the landscape of Clark County, which Joan writes about with great fondness. She is a keen observer of people and the natural world, a wonderful storyteller and an energetic woman who likes to walk her dogs and bicycle.
Bring a dish and join us for this engaging family and county history that will be sure to bring back a lot of memories and elicit stories from everyone in the audience. You may also come at 6:50 p.m. if you prefer not to partake in the potluck. Either way to ensure you have a seat, call for a reservation.
Local History Potluck dinners are free and open to the public. To reserve a spot, call 744-5661 or register by using Evanced which can be accessed from the library’s web site,
Thanks to Clark County artists Brenda Salyers, Linda Caudill, and Dana McCall for bringing in pictures to exhibit in the Accumulative Community Art Show on display in the Codell Brooks Community Room through July.
This show is open to artists of all ages, in Clark and surrounding counties. Since this is an “accumulative” show, the library will be accepting work until July 15. There is no deadline for delivery. If you have any questions about showing your work, please call the library and connect to extension 110.
Next Tuesday, June 27, at 6:30 p.m., don’t forget the library’s Meeting of Minds discussion group will be hosting a community forum about ways to make Winchester and Clark County a more fun place to live.
There are a lot of wonderful programs and events occurring in Winchester this summer. The Beer Cheese Festival was a big success, the Civil War History Celebration occurs this coming weekend. Let’s help continue this momentum as a community by coming together to talk about ways each of us has imagined for Winchester to be a swell place to live.
Local artist SueZ Early calls Winchester “Funchester.” We have a beautiful community that enjoys the benefits of laid back living that can only be dreamed about in a metropolis. So, how do we keep our community’s character and charm and make live even more enjoyable in the future. Come to Meeting of Minds this Tuesday night and join in the discussion. This program is free and open to the public. A good time will be had by all.
Other events this week?
— Tuesday, 10 a.m., Internet 1. Learn the basics of surfing the web’s Gazillion sites.
— Wednesday, 2 p.m., Kentucky Picture Show presents a 2017 film about the first human born on Mars and his travels to Earth for the first time. With the help of a street smart girl, he experiences the wonders of the planet through fresh eyes.. Rated PG-13.
— Friday, 10 a.m., Write Local. Lots of ways to self-publish these days, but you have to write the book first.
— Saturday, 9 a.m., free yoga on the library lawn. This program is canceled if it rains.
The Clark County Public Library is an epicenter of community fun.
John Maruskin is director of adult services at the Clark County Public Library. He can be reached at