Our view: Help The Sun recognize volunteers

Published 8:13 am Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Volunteers are the engine that drives the proverbial train that is Winchester and Clark County.

Good government is critical. A strong business community is essential. But the selfless men and women who donate their time in a myriad of ways are truly the ones to make any community, and this one in particular, even more special.

Volunteers touch virtually every aspect of our lives, many times in ways we don’t even realize. We couldn’t function without government but government couldn’t function well and be representative of those it is designed to serve without volunteers stepping up to lead boards, committees and other bodies that truly shape our community.

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Youth sports could not function without volunteers. Churches would not be able to have near the impact they do without members of the congregation stepping up to make a difference.

Human service organizations like Clark County Community Services, the animal shelter, the Beacon of Hope, Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity and so many others rely on volunteers to accomplish their critical missions.

For several months, The Winchester Sun has helped give some of these men women much-needed recognition through the Volunteer of the Week feature. We have helped shine a light on some community icons who are integral to the fabric of Clark County.

We want to do more.

Who do you think goes above and beyond volunteering their time to make Winchester a better place to live?

We welcome nominations and input as that is the way to truly find the individuals most deserving as they often avoid the spotlight and deflect praise to others.

Even if you do not know a volunteer, maybe you would like to become one yourself. The Sun would be happy to help connect you with an organization that fits your interests and skills.

Growing our network of volunteers — and giving them the attention they deserve — keep driving the community forward.