What’s Happening at the Library: Forum to discuss beautifying Winchester
Published 9:00 am Monday, July 24, 2017
By John Maruskin
Clark County Public Library
At 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, the Clark County Public Library will host its second community forum of the summer. We will discuss how to keep Winchester beautiful.
Rachel Alexander, director of Main Street Winchester, was gracious enough to let the library have a PDF of the Downtown Master Plan poster that will be distributed sometime later this year. It is very impressive and provides a lot of inspiration and possibilities for the revitalization of downtown. If you would like to see it, come to the forum Tuesday.
Clark County also has some of the most beautiful landscapes in Kentucky. The newly-formed Winchester Inspired by Nature group proves people are interested in preserving them. Bring your nature and gardening ideas to the forum, too. You can find out more about Winchester Inspired by Nature on their Facebook page.
The community forum is free and open to the public. If you need more information or have questions, call 744-5661, ext. 110, or email john.clarkbooks@gmail.com.
On Thursday, the Local History potluck dinner program features Eastern Kentucky University professor Dr. Robert Weis presenting a program about the industrial development of Eastern Kentucky and Appalachia during the 20th Century.
Oft maligned in the last few decades after photos released during President Johnson’s War on Poverty initiative, Eastern Kentucky and its role in the development of the state as a whole is rarely understood. One does not have to go back too far in history to find booming areas of economic development.
Coal was a large factor in this increase, but other industries developed as well, making Eastern Kentucky a land of opportunity. Unfortunately, this opportunity didn’t last.
Attend the Local History Potluck dinner to learn about the trials, successes and failures of the industries and livelihoods of Kentucky’s most misunderstood area.
If you want to come for dinner, please prepare or purchase a dish to share and arrive at 6:15 p.m. If you prefer to just attend the program, arrive a few minutes before 7 p.m. Either way, please register to attend over the phone, or by visiting the library’s website to register through Evanced.
At 2 p.m. Wednesday, the Kentucky Picture show presents a 2017 film about a grieving man who receives a mysterious, personal invitation to meet with God at a place called “The Shack.” Rated PG-13.
At 10 a.m. Friday, Write Local asks “What is a synonym for agglomeration?” and reality.
At 9 a.m. Saturday (unless it rains), say adios to Saturday morning yoga on the library lawn and bid namaste to the yogis and yoginis around you.
From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Outside the Lines Adult Coloring. Make your own rainbow.
This is the last full week of the 2017 Adult Summer Reading Program. If you have not signed up yet, which means that you have not received your groovy new library tote bag … well, come in and sign up. You will get the tote, a chance to win one of six fabulous book collections and a warm feeling inside because you will be helping the library have another successful summer reading program. About 1,000 people have already registered.
John Maruskin is director of adult services at the Clark County Public Library. He can be reached at john.clarkbooks@gmail.com.