Starnes named DoubleStar CEO

Published 9:00 am Thursday, August 17, 2017

DoubleStar Corp, manufacturers of high-quality, US-made AR components, rifles and pistols, is pleased to announce Stacy Starnes, former chief financial officer of DoubleStar Corp, as its new chief executive officer.

Starnes joined the DoubleStar family in 1997 when she married Jesse Starnes. She moved up quickly in the company, first diving in as President of the DoubleStar Training Academy before becoming the CFO. She has a BS in Accounting with a focus in management from the University of Kentucky.

“After two decades of working with DoubleStar, I am very excited about this opportunity to serve as its CEO,” Starnes said. “This new position plays strongly to my strengths as a very driven and focused individual. I have developed a deep appreciation for this company, its values and our people and I look forward to working with everyone to create an even more successful DoubleStar.”

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Starnes lives in Richmond with Jesse and their two sons, Alex and Zachary. She enjoys being a mom, reading, shooting and entertaining family and friends.

For more information about DoubleStar, visit