Kiwanis tours GenCanna
Published 10:02 am Wednesday, November 15, 2017
By Russ Morrison
Winchester Kiwanis, and three Mount Sterling Kiwanis members, accepted an invitation to tour the GenCanna Hemp Research Center Nov. 1.
The visit was organized by Kiwanians Ed Buckner, George Carruba and GenCanna’s CFO Ernie Sammons. Kiwanis members were treated to a catered lunch from Dickey’s and the meeting featured club business and brief comments from several of their top management team.
After the meeting, members went on a tour of their facility explaining all the processes used to reduce raw hemp into food ingredients that’s safe for consumption.
Several Kiwanians spoke of being surprised by the processes and equipment at this location; they thought it was just a growing location for the hemp. Members dressed in hair and beard nets to protect the sanitary conditions throughout the operation.
Kiwanians got to see a little of their research lab working to find more uses for their products. The tour made members proud to know Clark County was the hub for the state for this product that provides more than 40 jobs at this location and a crop for area farmers to sell at harvest time.
I think they are a plus for our county and I see them getting more involved as a community partner.
Russ Morrison is a member of the Winchester Kiwanis Club.