Community Calendar for April 7, 2018

Published 9:00 am Saturday, April 7, 2018


— Passport fair, 9 a.m. to noon at Winchester Post Office, 120 N. Main St. No appointment needed to have photo taken and apply for passport. Fees apply. To apply for a passport, travelers need to complete Passport Application Form DS-11 (unsigned) and provide one of the following: a U.S. birth certificate from the Department of Vital Statistics (not a certificate of birth) or naturalization papers. Applicants must also show either a valid driver’s license, a previous or current U.S. passport book or card, Certificate of Naturalization, Certificate of Citizenship, military I.D. or a federal, state or municipal government employee I.D. card. Applicants 15 and younger must be present with both parents unless consent is given; ages 16 and 17 require only one parent be present.

For more information about passport application requirements and to download forms, visit the State Department’s travel website at

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— Apartment open house, 1 p.m. at Rose Mary C. Brook Place, 200 Rose Mary Drive.


— AARP Tax-Aide Foundation, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays through April 17 at Central Baptist Church Annex, 101 W. Lexington Ave. Free. Clients should bring last year’s tax return and all 2017 income statements and documents for itemized deductions.

— Clark County Homemaker Council meeting, 6 p.m. at Clark County Extension Office.

— Alzheimer’s and dementia caregiver support meeting, 6 p.m at First United Methodist Church. Use alley door for entrance. For more information, contact Mary at 744-2524.

— Democratic Woman’s Club of Clark County meeting, including “Meet the Candidates,” 6 p.m. at Clark County Public Library. For more information, call 744-2136.

— Pink Ribbon Partners meeting, 6:30 p.m. at Gaunce’s on Bypass Road.

— GriefShare support group, 7 to 9 p.m. at Calvary Christian Church, 15 Redwing Drive. A special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life. Meets Monday through July 9. For more information, email or call 749-7092.


— AARP Tax-Aide Foundation, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays through April 17 at Central Baptist Church Annex, 101 W. Lexington Ave. Free. Clients should bring last year’s tax return and all 2017 income statements and documents for itemized deductions.

— Winchester GTE/Sylvania/Osram/UAW retirees meeting. 11:30 a.m. at Michael’s in Irvine. All Winchester Sylvania retirees and former employees are welcome.

— Ford and Kentucky River corridor neighborhood meeting, 6 p.m. at First Settlers House on Old Boonesboro Road.

— Winchester-Clark County Writer’s Group meeting, 6:30 p.m. at Clark County Public Library.

— Clark County Board of Education special meeting, 6:30 p.m. at Central Office, 1600 W. Lexington Ave. Agenda includes discussion of revision of the 2017-18 calendar and graduation date.

— Celebrate Recovery meeting, 7 p.m. at Calvary Christian Church, 15 Redwing Drive. The Landing meetings, a support group for ages 13 to 19, are 7 p.m. at the RAC, 17 S. Main St. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program based on the Eight Beatitudes, the 12 Steps and their Biblical comparison. Childcare available for ages newborn to 4 and Celebration Place for ages 5 to 12. For more information, call Dickie Everman at 744-0817.


— Clark County Fiscal Court community foundation committee meeting, 8:30 a.m., in the Clark County Courthouse conference room.

— Clark County Fiscal Court meeting, 9:30 a.m. at Clark County Courthouse.

— Tai Chi for seniors (60 and older), 10:30 a.m. at James B. Allen Generations Center, 32 Meadow St. Classes are free. Call 744-3235 for more information.

— Winchester Kiwanis Club meeting, noon at Taste of China, 600 Bypass Road.

— Kentucky Picture Show, 2 p.m. at Clark County Public Library.


— Clark County Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) meeting, 11:30 a.m. at The Cairn.

— Kentucky Foothills Toastmasters Club meeting, 12:05 to 1 p.m. at East Kentucky Power Cooperative, 4775 Lexington Road.

— Bluegrass Heritage Museum Second Thursday program, 6:30 p.m. at 217 S. Main St. Jerry Cecil, local historian, will discuss the history and development of the area of Hayden’s Corner and the Becknerville community. The crossroads of Waterworks Road and Combs Ferry Road was called Hayden’s Corner in the early history of the

county. Edward Hickman, brother of General Richard Hickman, was a noted educator in this area for many years. Residents and land owners supported the local

one and two room school houses that dotted the countryside. Schools with names like Rock Hill, Bean, Locust Grove, Salem, Martin, and Becknerville were among some of the most prosperous and productive schools in the county. Glenn White will donate the limestone table that adorned the original school entrance to the museum during the program. The program is free. Doors open at 6 p.m. Refreshments are available after the program.

— Helping Homeless Cats, Inc. meeting, 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Clark County Public Library. Topic will be trapping and transporting stray/feral cats to and from spay/neuter clinics. For more information, email

— Boonesboro Lions Club meeting, 7 p.m. at the clubhouse on Ford Hampton Road.


— Write Local meeting, 10 a.m. at Clark County Public Library.

— Winchester Rotary Club meeting, noon at Woody’s, 923 Bypass Road.

— 29th annual Boonesboro Lioness Auction to benefit Hospice East, at First Church of God, 2500 Colby Road. Bake sale begins at 4 p.m. Auction begins at 6 p.m. with Woodrow Wilson as auctioneer.

Refreshments will be served. Open to the public. Proceeds will be used to support special needs of hospice patients and their families in Clark and Powell counties and bereavement programs. For more information or to make a donation, call 744-9866 or 800-398-9866.


— Green Grass Chess Tournament, 8:30 a.m. at College Park annex building. Tournament entry fee is $5 for scholastic and $10 for open section. For more information, email or sign up on line at

— Child Abuse Prevention Month celebration, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Campbell Junior High School, 620 Boone Ave.

There will be be vendors, lunch, door prizes, cotton candy, games, bounce house and face painting. Sponsored by the Family Resource and Youth Services centers and Department of Community Based Services.

— “A Walk of Hope” rally for recovery, 6 to 10 p.m. at The Green walking trail at Bluegrass Community and Technical College, 2020 Rolling Hills Lane. Will include recovery groups, guest speakers and singing. All are welcome.