Police and fire reports for April 10, 2018
Published 11:26 am Tuesday, April 10, 2018
— Lynn Mudd, 39, of Louisville, was charged Sunday with driving under the influence.
— At 4:03 p.m. Sunday, deputies were called to 420 Mount Vernon Drive concerning a car which was taken without permission.
— From Friday through Sunday, EMS personnel responded to 29 general medical calls, six cardiac cases, two respiratory cases, two seizures and one overdose.
— At 10 a.m. Sunday, firefighters responded to a structure fire at 4 Mutual Ave.
— At 10:28 a.m. Sunday, firefighters responded to an alarm sounding at 101 New St. It was a false alarm.
— At 12:07 p.m. Sunday, firefighters responded to a kitchen fire at 12 Seventh St. It was caused by food on the stove.
— At 2:42 p.m. Friday, firefighters assisted EMS personnel with a call on Flanagan Station Road.
— At 5:17 p.m. Saturday, firefighters were called to 4693 Colby Road for an investigation.
— At 10:47 p.m. Saturday, firefighter responded to an alarm sounding at 101 New St.
— At 6 p.m. Sunday, firefighters assisted EMS personnel with a call on Stratton Lane.
— At 8:46 p.m. Sunday, firefighters responded to a possible structure fire on Ecton Road. It was a brush pile on fire.
— At 8:15 a.m. Monday, firefighters responded to an injury accident near the 4 mile marker on the Mountain Parkway.
— Clydale R. Nance, 37, was charged Sunday with leaving the scene of an accident and driving under the influence.
— Dalton J. Penticuff, 18, was charged Saturday with driving under the influence and reckless driving.
— Ova Lynn Smith, 36, was cahrged Friday with public intoxication, theft of identity and was served four warrants.
— Ramye Marie Sparks, 41, was charged Friday with theft by unlawful taking, first-degree possession of a controlled substance, third-degree possession of a controlled substance (two counts) and possession of a controlled substance.
— At 1:51 p.m. Friday, officers were called to 25 Wainscott Ave. concerning a forged check.
— At 2:46 p.m. Friday, officers were called to Walmart, 1859 Bypass Road, concerning a theft. Ramye Marie Sparks was arrested on multiple charges.
— At 4 p.m. Friday, officers took a rpeort concerning someone filing a tax return using the caller’s identification.
— At 6:20 p.m. Friday, officers were called to 303 Short St. concerning a stolen cell phone.
— At 12:30 a.m. Saturday, officers were called to Clark Regional Medical Center, 175 Hospital Drive, concerning a sexual assault.
— At 9:43 a.m. Saturday, officers took a report concerning a criminal mischief complaint.
— At 12:32 p.m. Saturday, officers took a report concerning a person making threatening phone calls.
— At 4:53 p.m. Saturday, officers were called to 104 Pedro Way concerning a theft of liquor.
— At 5:08 p.m. Saturday, officers were called to 17 Fairview Ave. concerning a stolen cell phone.
— At 9:13 p.m. Saturday, officers took a report concerning a theft of clothes and a tablet computer.
— At 2:44 p.m. Sunday, officers were called to 225 Oxford Drive concerning a person making harassing comments over social media.
— At 5:54 p.m. Sunday, officer took a report concerning a person not returning property.