Life is hard but still rewarding
Published 5:55 pm Thursday, May 10, 2018
- Sue Staton
I have come to the conclusion life is like a faith in Christ.
It is never easy, yet so rewarding if we give our all and try to do our best.
I have been reminded this week of how so many problems exist in this journey called life.
My own life has had more than its share of problems, but as I look around and listen to other people, none of us are exempt.
For some, it is financial. For others, severe illnesses for themselves or watching as a family member is in a battle for their life. Some are suffering from loneliness — perhaps they have family members but none they seem to be able to depend on.
Other people are worrying about food to eat or clothing to wear. What will happen to family members once they leave this world?
Many are worrying about a son or daughter on drugs and praying they will wake up before it is too late or they lose their life from drug overdoses.
If things were not bad enough, we now are worrying about school shootings and terrorist attacks. We worry that our police officers are afraid to try to protect us from criminals because of being called a racist or losing their jobs.
We have somehow lost respect for morals in our country and allowed an ‘anything goes’ attitude that is scary.
It is often hard for us to do as the Bible teaches us: to not worry from one day to the next but to pray without ceasing and to hand everything over to God and let him do the worrying for us.
God does not want us to spend our time worrying, but sometimes we give him our problems then take them back.
Finances have to be a major problem in families today.
I thought getting to go on a vacation was hard for my family when I grew up. But my whole family could have gone out to eat for what it cost to take one child and adult today.
I nearly fainted when I learned what it costs to send a child to summer camp now. Some way this has to stop! My daughter in Louisville told me it would cost $285 to send her daughter to 4-H camp for one week. It used to be my homemaker group could send a child to camp but now can only pay a minimal portion of the camp fee.
How are we going to make leaders for our next generation with prices such as this?
Maybe more time with mom and dad and their teachings could help? That too, seems to be a problem, with daddy’s having to work two jobs to make ends meet; or is it because we want too much?
I know how important family time is.
Writing this, I was reminded of a fun time in my life when my mom fixed a big picnic and all five of us kids climbed on a wagon while my daddy drove to the creek in the back of the farm. We fished and waded in the creek and enjoyed the picnic. It was nothing special but just a fun day with family.
It was a rare Saturday we kids did not have to work but a day that still stays in my mind as being special.
What is sad however, a kid today would think their parents were nuts to think something like that would be fun. Maybe that is what we need in our world today. Leave the electronic devices at home and spend some one-on-one time with the kids.
It would probably be difficult for many parents to leave their devices at home, but by doing so they could leave some of their problems at home also and give their mind a rest.
Perhaps the worst thing that ever happened was when stores began to be open on Sunday. It was the one day of the week my family got to rest and spend special time together.
Church came first and the rest of the day was spent either visiting friends or having company come see us. Family togetherness is nearly a phrase of the past anymore.
Our problems seem to grow more and more and try to overcome us. I guess the old saying is still true: “If you look around and see others problems, you might keep your own.”
I just hope we can all make life a little easier on others’ when we can. Maybe when we realize we all have problems, we will be nicer to one another.
This week I feel I have overworked God on all the requests I made of him but then I realize that is what we are supposed to do.
As one of my favorite hymns says, “Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there.”
Sue Staton is a Clark County native who grew up in the Kiddville area. She is a wife, mother and grandmother who is active in her church, First United Methodist Church, and her homemakers group, Towne and Country Homemakers.