MEET THE CANDIDATES: Blackburn, Warner vying for District 2 magistrate

Published 3:28 pm Thursday, May 17, 2018

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Pamela Blackburn

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Age: 56

Party: Democrat

Education: Attended GRC and University of Kentucky. Road Master from the University of Kentucky College of Engineering. Certified from the Kentucky Institute for Economic Development. Continuing Education through the Elected Officials Training program through the Department for Local Government.

Professional background: Respiratory technician for 35 years. Clark County magistrate for 12 years.

Occupation: Respiratory technician at Clark Regional Medical Hospital and Clark County magistrate

Political experience: Clark County magistrate from 2003-2010. Clark County magistrate from 2015 to current office held. Lost the election for the office of Clark County commissioner in 2011 and Clark County judge-executive in 2004.

Civic involvement: I am an active volunteer and advocate for different groups involving senior citizens, children, litter cleanup, homeless shelters and other organizations that need assistance.


Kevin Warner

Age: 44

Party: Democrat

Education: Graduated GRC 1992 attended EKU for police administration

Professional background: Business owner and automotive technician/mechanic

Occupation: Owner of Warner’s Automotive

Political experience: Ran for magistrate district 2 in 2014

Civic involvement: Assistant coach for Civitan football for four years, Clark County Fair Board and member Chamber of Commerce.



What will be your top priority if elected to office?

PB: My top priority has always been the budget. I believe we need to live within our budget and manage it no different than our household budget. Continue to plan for unexpected expenses for the future and stop wasteful spending.

KW: My top priorities for our county is to help unite our magistrates and our county officials to work together and put their differences aside to put our citizens and county services and employees first

What makes you the best candidate for the job?

PB: I believe my experience and knowledge. For example, roads are always an issue. I received my Road Master certification through the University of Kentucky College of Engineering to educate myself on roads. I believe knowledge is power and it is my responsibility as a public servant to educate myself.

KW: The ability to bring people together to do a job, also use my 23 years of business experience to make commonsense decisions for our county.

What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life?

PB: I received the George W. Hearne award for leadership and dedication to improving lives in Clark County and Central Kentucky in 2006. I was also nominated this year for the Mercy Award at CRMC which is the highest honor an employee can receive within the LifePoint Organization.

KW: I am most proud to provide a service for our county citizens over 20 years without borrowing money to maintain my business through a recession. My political accomplishments will come later.

What is the biggest challenge our community faces? How would you address it?

PB: The drug epidemic and along with that is child abuse and poverty with homelessness. It is a growing snowball that everyone is pulling together for solutions. The sad part is it effects everyone whether it is a neighbor, family or friend.

KW: Drugs and addiction. We should face this issue through stronger education of our young folks and educate more while incarcerated, while holding these people accountable for their action with stronger sentencing.

Other comments?

PB: I have extreme respect for the people of Clark County. As your public servant, I will continue to work endlessly for the people of Clark County. It is an honor and privilege to be your voice. I ask for your vote on May 22.

KW: The top issues our county faces in my opinion are drugs/drug addiction, funding to maintain our beautiful county and its services and growth/jobs.