MEET THE CANDIDATES: Doyle, Richardson square off on Democrat jailer ticket
Published 3:15 pm Thursday, May 17, 2018
To see the complete special section, click here: Meet the Candidates
Bryan Richardson
Age: 32
Party: Democrat
Education: High school graduate
Professional background: Government contractor
Occupation: Bus driver for Clark County Board of Education
Political experience: I have been a campaign supporter for former Democratic candidates
Civic involvement: I have donated food for hungry/homeless persons in Clark County
Frank “Squatty” Doyle
Age: 60
Party: Democrat
Education: Bourbon County High School, Eastern Kentucky University, University of Kentucky, Department of Criminal Justice Training Police Academy.
Professional background: Fayette County Detention Center, deputy jailer/training officer; Police officer Winchester Police Department; Former private business owner, Clark County jailer
Occupation: Current Clark County jailer
Political experience: Current Clark County jailer
Civic involvement: Kiwanis, Fraternal Order Police and Chamber of Commerce.
What will be your top priority if elected to office?
BR: Cut the budget and stop over crowding of jail.
FD: My top priorities will be to continue improving staffing levels, increasing efficiency of operation including improvements to the jail, promoting safety and purchasing safety equipment for the jail staff, implementing additional community work programs to clean up and benefit Clark County.
What makes you the best candidate for the job?
BR: I will be in the office every day and have an open door policy. I will also answer any calls to me to talk to anyone with concerns.
FD: I am the only candidate with law enforcement and jail operations experience. My staff and I have increased the capacity of the jail while reducing the funds required by the taxpayer for the operation of the detention center.
What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life?
BR: I take pride in making sure I keep children safe and secure to and from school. I also was a government contractor for several years.
FD: I have provided a life of public service as jailer and a police officer to Clark County by protecting and serving my community. I was elected to the Kentucky Jailer’s Association Board of Directors by jailers across the state due to our efficient and progressive operation of our Jail.
What is the biggest challenge our community faces? How would you address it?
BR: Reducing drug and alcohol addiction by working with a nonprofit organization for when inmates are released to get help for their addictions.
FD: Drugs continue to be a major problem and many of those in jail suffer from addiction. I will continue to partner with churches, nonprofits and other law enforcement agencies to educate and rehabilitate inmates, seeking treatment options and working to reduce the incarceration rates while increasing rehabilitation efforts.
Other comments?
BR: None provided.
FD: I am honored to be able to serve our community as Clark County Jailer. It is humbling to be given the opportunity to work for the citizens protecting them. I am excited that in such a short time we have been able to accomplish so much, and I respectfully ask for your vote on May 22.