Leadership Winchester accepting applications for 2018-19
Published 1:39 pm Sunday, July 8, 2018
- Participants in a previous Leadership Winchester listen to a presentation at Clark Regional Medical Center. The 2018-19 session begins in September. Applications are being accepted until Aug. 21. (Sun file photo)
Applications are being accepted for this year’s Leadership Winchester class for anyone interested in learning more about Clark County as well as leadership skills.
The program, which began in 1989, is offered through the Winchester Chamber of Commerce.
For eight months, beginning in September, the class will meet one day a month for a full day of travel and lessons, Chamber Director Cindy Banks said.
The sessions begin with a lesson about leadership or a team-building exercise led by Dr. Dan Kahl from the University of Kentucky, she said.
“He comes in every class and does some type of leadership exercise, whether a personality test to determine your leadership style or discuss a book about leadership,” Banks said.
From there, the group goes into Clark County to learn about a different aspect of life each month.
Topics range from education with stops at Clark County schools and Bluegrass Community and Technical College, to local government which includes city hall, the county courthouse and the police department, to health and human services, which includes the health department and Clark Regional Medical Center, she said. Agriculture day usually includes farm tours
The group also travels to Frankfort one day to learn about state government, Banks said. The group usually meets with Clark County’s state senator and state representative, she said.
“Someone always says, ‘I’ve lived here all my life and I never knew that,’” Banks said. “They build some friendships so it’s good.”
For more information or to fill out an application, go to www.winchesterkychamber.com. Banks said the program usually has about 25 participants each year.