Fiscal court to hear Stuff concerns at special meeting

Published 9:45 am Friday, November 2, 2018

The Clark County Fiscal Court will hold a special listening session for residents to air their concerns about Stuff Recycling.

Clark County Judge-Executive Henry Branham said the meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 4 at Grace Baptist Church on Lexington Road.

Though it will be a special fiscal court meeting, Branham said the court will not take any action. Many of the issues expressed previously, including pollution and water quality, are beyond the county’s responsibility and are governed by the state, he said.

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The business has been in the headlines recently after planning to purchase and rezone a piece of neighboring property on Clintonville Road, which led to questions of whether the business had exceeded the conditions of its zoning. The business was also the site of a fire in June which burned for three days.

Several meetings of the Winchester-Clark County Planning Commission and the Board of Adjustments saw capacity crowds, but those running the meetings limited public comment to the issues at hand, rather than concerns about public health and pollution around the business.

Ultimately, Stuff owner Jerry Joiner dropped his plans to purchase the additional property and the BOA determined the business had expanded beyond the boundaries detailed in a zoning agreement from 2012.

About Fred Petke

Fred Petke is a reporter for The Winchester Sun, the Jessamine Journal and the State Journal. His beats include cops, courts, fire, public records, city and county government and other news. To contact Fred, email or call 859-759-0051.

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