Looking Back at Clark County for May 30, 2019
Published 9:27 am Thursday, May 30, 2019
50 years ago
May 26, 1969
— Clark Countians were among those winning honors in the recent Blue Grass Lamb Show at Lexington. W.W. Thorn showed the grand champion lamb, which sold for $1 a pound. Julia Besuden showed the reserve champion lamb in the Novice Calss. The Peoples Commercial Bank paid 55 cents a pound for Miss Besuden’s lamb.
— A farewell program entitled “Goodbye to Dear Ole Oliver” was presented at Oliver Elementary School. All alumni were invited to this last event at the school.
— James R. Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Taylor, was one of more that 600 cadets in this year’s U.S. Air Force Academy graduating class. He received his bachelor of science degree and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Air Force.
May 27, 1969
— Approval of a book rental system designed to save high school students two-thirds of the costs of their books highlighted a meeting of the Clark County Board of Education. Dr. Ernest White, county school superintendent, asked that the school system purchase the books and rent them to the students. The rental fee would pay the operating expenses, costs of the books, losses, etc.
May 29, 1969
— John Bill Thomas, a starting guard on the GRCHS basketball team for the past three seasons, signed a four-year grant-in-aid athletic scholarship to attend Austin Peay University. Thomas is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Asher Thomas.
25 years ago
May 26, 1994
— The George Rogers Clark High School baseball Cardinals staged a dramatic, six-run, sixth-inning rally to tie the game and went on to win 10-9 on a home runner by Brian Maynard, his second of the game, in the second extra inning over Fleming County High School Panthers in the semifinals of the 10th Region Tournament.
— Six GRCHS juniors were named Governor’s Scholars and attended a five-week Governor’s Scholar program over the summer. Students selected were Lisa Hicks, Wendy Alexander, Jennie Thomas, Brad Burner, Casey Macintosh and Brooks Hefner.
May 27, 1994
— Bob McCann won his fifth Memorial Invitational Tournament with a 2 and 1 victory over Steve Hounshel of Irvine in the championship match of the Winchester Country Club’s 58th annual tournament on a day in which he said, “I came back from the dead.”