Community calendar for June 11, 2019

Published 12:09 pm Tuesday, June 11, 2019


— Clark County Extension District Board meeting, noon at the Extension Office, 1400 Fortune Drive.

— Freedom from Smoking, 5 p.m. at Clark County Pharmacy, 716 Boone Ave. The cost is $5 and pre-registration is required. To register, contact the health department at 744-4482.

Email newsletter signup

— Clark County Writers Group meeting, 6 p.m. at Clark County Public Library.

— Celebrate Recovery meeting, 7 p.m. at Calvary Christian Church, 15 Redwing Drive. CR is a Christ-centered recovery program based on the eight Beatitudes, the 12 Steps and their Biblical comparison. There are also programs for children kindergarten to 12 years and also for teens age 13 to 19. Childcare is provided for children up to 4 years old. Meetings are each Tuesday. For more information, called Dickie Everman at 744-0817.


— Winchester-Clark County Chamber of Commerce breakfast, 8 to 9:30 a.m. at George Rogers Clark High School, 2748 Boonesboro Road.

— Clark County Fiscal Court meeting, 9:30 a.m. at the Clark County Courthouse.

— Tai Chi for Arthritis (60 and older), 10:30 a.m. at James B. Allen Generations Center, 32 Meadow St. Classes are free. Call 744-3235 for more information.

— Winchester Kiwanis Club meeting, noon at Taste of China, 600 Bypass Road.

— Kentucky Picture Show, 2 p.m. at Clark County Public Library.


— The Telephone Pioneers luncheon, 11:30 a.m. at Applebee’s. All former and current Bell South and AT&T employees are invited to attend.


— Open house at Rose Mary Brooks Place, noon to 4 p.m. Tour efficiency or one-bedroom apartments at the assisted- and independent-living community for seniors 65 and older. Call Carol Bennett at 745-4904 of more information or a tour.


— Winchester-Clark County Farmers Market, 8 a.m. to noon on Depot Street.

— Central Kentucky District Youth Beef Show, 8 a.m. at Clark County Fair Grounds. Admission is $3.

— Antique Tractor and Machine Club Show, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Clark County Fairgrounds. Admission is $5.

— Clark County Fair baby pageants A (babies newborn to six months) and B (babies age seven months to one year), 10 a.m. at Clark County Fairgrounds.

— Clark County Fair Duke and Duchess pageant (boys and girls one year to two years) followed by Prince and Princess pageant (boys and girls three to four years), 11:30 a.m. at Clark County Fairgrounds.

— Hemp CBD Planting Party, noon to 4 p.m. at Mt. Folly Farm, 3581 Schollsville Road. Guests are invited to tour the organic hemp CBD crop at Mt. Folly Farm. Skilled farmers will be there to answer questions. The Rash Flynn cabin and the farm store will also be open to the public during the event. Complimentary hemp beer and hemp hot dawgs will be served throughout the event. Samples of hemp chocolates, CBD caramels and CBD chocolates will be available for guests to try out, as well as CBD oils, softgels and topicals. To RSVP, email or call 859-474-8218.

— Clark County Fair Little Mister and Miss pageant (boys and girls ages 5 to 8), 2 p.m. at Clark County Fairgrounds.

— Clark County Fair Fun and Pleasure Horse Show, 5 p.m. at Clark County Fairgrounds.

— Clark County Fair Beef Show, 5 p.m. at Clark County Fairgrounds.


— Father’s Day.


— Clark County Fair 4-H, FFA and home economics entries received, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

— Clark County Industrial Authority meeting, 9 a.m. at 2 S. Maple St.

— Celebrate Recovery at Grace Baptist Church, 5990 Lexington Road. Dinner is at  6 p.m., large group at 7 p.m., small groups at 8 p.m. and dessert and fellowship at 9 p.m. Child care available. For a ride, call Vern at 859-595-5816 before 5 p.m. Monday. For more information call David Tobin at 859-771-2812.

— NAMI Winchester-Clark County (National Alliance on Mental Illness) support/educational meeting, 7 p.m. at McCready Hall, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 2410 Lexington Road.  Anyone (including family members and friends) affected by mental illness is invited to attend meetings. For more information, call 749-3702. Meetings are the first and third Monday of each month.


— Winchester-Clark County Tourism Commission meeting, 2 S. Maple St.

— Clark County Retired Teachers Association meeting, 12:15 p.m. at Woody’s on Bypass Road. Arrive at 11:30 a.m. to order lunch.

— Clark County Fair carnival rides open. Admission is $10.

— Freedom from Smoking, 5 p.m. at Clark County Pharmacy, 716 Boone Ave. The cost is $5 and pre-registration is required. To register, contact the health department at 744-4482.

— Clark County Fair 4-H, FFA and home economics exhibits open, 5 to 9 p.m.