Clark County Fair home economics winners named

Published 9:37 am Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The 2019 Clark County Fair was the showcase for entries in the Home Economics Division this year.

Grand Champion was awarded to Jean Rose for her Crewel Embroidery Picture. Reserve Champion was awarded to Nancy Wills for her Christmas Wreath.

Thanks to everyone for entering.

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Zucchini Bread: first-Rita Daniels, second-Linda Ward

Yeast Rolls: first-Edna Pasley, second-Sarah Condley

Other Yeast Bread: first-Debbie Hamon, second-Patricia Lightner, third-Marian Sublette

Buttermilk Biscuits: first-Linda Ward, second-Rita Daniels

Fruit Muffins: first-Marian Sublette, second-Linda Ward

Muffins: first-Linda Ward, second-Patricia Lightner, third-Edna Pasley

Banana Bread: first-Patricia Lightner, second-Linda Ward

Other Quick Bread: first-Marian Sublette, second-Edna Pasley, third-Will Oakes

Sourdough Bread: second-Rita Daniels

Pound Cake: first-Sarah Condley

Chocolate Cake: second-Rita Daniels

Other Cake: second-Rita Daniels

Cake (Your Favorite Recipe): second-Rita Daniels

Brownies: first-Rita Daniels, second-Linda Ward

Chocolate Chip Cookies: first-Sophie Pasley, second-Marian Sublette, third-Rita Daniels

Sugar Cookies: second-Rita Daniels

Peanut Butter Cookies: first-Rita Daniels, second-Linda Ward, third-Edna Pasley

Other Cookies: first-Bailey Oakes, second-Rita Daniels

Oatmeal Cookies: first-Rita Daniels, second-Linda Ward

Peanut Butter Fudge: first-Rita Daniels

Chocolate Fudge: first-Rita Daniels

Apple Pie: first-Edna Pasley.


Peaches: first-Katie Powell, second-Sarah Condley, third-Jennifer Conner

Pears: second-Rita Daniels

Tomatoes: first-Rita Daniels, second-Nancy Wills

Tomato Juice: first-Betty Bonar

Spaghetti Sauce: first-Rita Daniels, second-Linda Ward

Sweet Cucumber Pickles: second-Patricia Lightner

Sweet Cucumber Relish: second-Julie Ullery

Bread and Butter Pickles: first-Jennifer Conner, second-Marian Sublette

Beet Pickles: second-Linda Ward

Salsa: first-Rita Daniels

Other Pickles: first-Patricia Lightner, second-Rita Daniels

Other Relishes: first-Jennifer Conner, second-Debbie Hamon

Chutney: first-Patricia Lightner, second-Rita Daniels

Other Preserves: first-Sarah Condley, second-Patricia Lightner, third-Rita Daniels

Strawberry Preserves: first-Jennifer Conner

Apple Butter: first-Sarah Condley, third-Rita Daniels

Other Butter: first-Sarah Condley, second-Patricia Lightner

Blackberry Jam: second-Rita Daniels

Grape Jelly: first-Rita Daniels; Apple Jelly: first-Patricia Lightner

Other Jelly: first-Greg Noe, second-Patricia Lightner

Honey: first-Ashlee Purdie.

Garden and Produce

Beets: first-Leigh Davis

Green Onions: first-Leigh Davis

Other Vegetables: first-Leigh Davis; Apples: second-Leigh Davis

Blueberries: first-Karen Fallis, second-Sarah Condley, third-Marie Quick

Raspberries: first-Marie Quick

Strawberries: first-Karen Fallis

Red Rose: first-Nancy Wills

Dwarf Marigold: first-Laura Simpson, second-Nancy Wills

Lily: first-Nancy Wills, second-Debbie Hamon, third-Laura Simpson

Hanging Basket: second-Nancy Wills

Potted Plants: first-Linda Ward, second-Nancy Wills, third-Laura Simpson

Other Cut Flowers: first-Laura Simpson, second-Sarah Condley, third-Nancy Wills

Cactus: first-Nancy Wills.

Handiwork and Heritage Skills

Other Construction: first-Betty Bonar

Purses: first-Betty Bonar

Other Accessories: first-Betty Bonar, second-Jean Rose

Pieced Quilts: first-Marie Quick

Knitted Articles: first-Debbie Hamon

Crewel Embroidery Needlework: first-Jean Rose

Hand Embroidery Needlework: first-Hilda Standafer

Other Pillows: second-Jean Rose

14 Count and Under Cross Stitch Picture: first-Betty Bonar

14 Count and Under Cross Stitch Miscellaneous: first-Hilda Standafer

Decorated Woodwork: first- Frances Hampton

Refinished Woodwork: first- Nancy Wills

Woven Gourd Basket: first-Pam Price Reffitt

Soft Sculpture Dolls: first-Jean Rose

Non-Quilted Wall-Hanging: first-Laura Simpson, second-Pearl Allen

Non-Christmas Wreaths: first-Pearl Allen

Holiday Decorations: first-Nancy Wills, second-Pearl Allen, third- Betty Bonar

Ceramics: first-Marian Sublette, second-Debbie Hamon

Recycled Item: first-Laura Simpson, second-Betty Bonar

Miscellaneous: first-Pearl Allen, second-Jean Rose, third-Frances Hampton

Other Holiday Floral Arrangement: first-Jean Rose, second-Nancy Wills

Christmas Wreath: first-Nancy Wills

Beaded Jewelry: first-Frances Hampton, second-Pearl Allen

Clay or Wood Jewelry: first-Pearl Allen

Other Jewelry: first-Hilda Standafer, second-Betty Bonar, third-Frances Hampton

Miniature Miscellaneous Item: first-Nancy Wills;

Visual Arts

Painting – Oil Flower: first-Betty Bonar

Acrylic Portrait: second-Dakotah Brown

Acrylic Flower: first-Betty Bonar

Acrylic Landscape: first-Betty Bonar, second-Rebecca Farmer, third-Frances Hampton

Acrylic Animal: first-Frances Hampton, second-Rebecca Farmer, third- Betty Bonar

Pen or Ink Flower: first-Sallie Evans, second-Betty Bonar

Pen or Ink Animals: first-Laura Simpson, second-Frances Hampton

Pencil Landscape: first-Betty Bonar

Pencil Animal: first-Frances Hampton, second-Laura Simpson

Pastel Landscape: first-Betty Bonar

Water Color Portrait: first-Dana McCall

Watercolor Flower: second-Betty Bonar

Watercolor Landscape: first-Betty Bonar

Watercolor Animal: first-Dana McCall, second-Laura Simpson

Mixed Media Landscape: first-Laura Simpson

Mixed Media Buildings: second-Sallie Evans

Other Media Landscape: first-Betty Bonar, second-Laura Simpson, third-Rebecca Farmer

Other Media Animals: first-Rebecca Farmer, second-Pearl Allen, third-Frances Hampton.

Photography – Color Photography, Portrait: first-Bill McCann, second-Nancy Wills, third-Shelley Castellani

Color Photography, Animals: first-Nancy Wills, second- Melissa Clark, third-Laura Simpson

Color Photography, Pets: first-Laura Simpson, second-Nancy Wills

Color Photography, Landscape: first-Laura Simpson, second-Melissa Clark

Color Photography, Flowers: first-Shelley Castellani, second-Laura Simpson, third-Nancy Wills

Color Photography, Children: first-Nancy Wills

Color Photography, Other: first-Melissa Clark

Black and White Photography, Portrait: first-Shelley Castellani, second- Dakotah Brown

Black and White Photography, Pets: first-Shelley Castellani;

Black and White Photography, Flowers: first-Nancy Wills.


Glass or China Kitchen Item: first-Sarah Condley, second-Nancy Wills

Metal & Wood Kitchen Item: first-Sarah Condley, second-Nancy Wills

Metal Kitchen Item: first-Sarah Condley, second-Nancy Wills, third-Jean Rose

Wood Kitchen Item: first- Sarah Condley, second-Nancy Wills

China Dish: first-Sarah Condley, second-Nancy Wills

Glass Dish: first-Marian Sublette, second-Nancy Wills, third-Sarah Condley

Miscellaneous Small Item: first-Sarah Condley, second-Linda Ward, third-Nancy Wills

Chairs, Small: first-Nancy Wills

Small Chest: first-Nancy Wills

Clothing, Small Items: first-Nancy Wills, second-Sarah Condley, third-Betty Bonar

Clothing, Large Items: first-Betty Bonar

Accessories: first-Jean Rose, second-Sarah Condley

Jewelry: first-Sarah Condley

Quilts or Coverlets: first-Sarah Condley, second-Nancy Wills

Pillowcases: first-Sarah Condley

Leather Items: first-Sarah Condley

Children’s Books: first-Betty Bonar, second-Sarah Condley, third-Nancy Wills

Other Books: first-Sarah Condley, second-Nancy Wills, third-Jean Rose

Dolls: first- Nancy Wills, second-Jean Rose

Crocks: first-Sarah Condley, second-Nancy Wills

Toys: first-Charles Price, second-Sarah Condley, third-Nancy Wills

Cast Iron: first-Nancy Wills, second-Sarah Condley

Vases: first-Sarah Condley

Tools: first-Sarah Condley, second-Nancy Wills

Shadowboxes: second-Nancy Wills

Documents: first-Sarah Condley, second-Linda Ward

Small Kitchen or Hand Towel: first-Sarah Condley

Photographs: first-Sarah Condley, second-Jean Rose, third- Nancy Wills

Postcards, Letters, Folders: first-Linda Ward, second-Sarah Condley, third-Debbie Hamon

Needlework (rugs, crochet, etc.): first-Jean Rose, second-Sarah Condley

Baskets: first-Linda Ward, second-Sarah Condley, third-Bill McCann

Pottery: first-Sarah Condley

Magazines: first-Jean Rose, second-Sarah Condley, third-Nancy Wills

Miscellaneous Household: first-Sarah Condley, second-Betty Bonar

Other Miscellaneous: first-Sarah Condley, second-Linda Ward.

Coloring Book Contest

Adults (18 year olds and older): first-Mary Farmer, second-Ruth, third-Pearl Allen;

7-12 year olds: first-Carter Johnston, second-Leah

6 year olds and under: first-Elise; second-Emily Walker; third-Autumn Johnston.