Group gets sneak peek at Legacy Grove

Published 9:54 am Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Greater Clark Foundation  hosted the Grantmakers of Kentucky for several site visits as part of the group’s annual meeting.

About 40 people from grant-making organizations across the Commonwealth got a sneak peek of Legacy Grove.

Although the park is not yet open, they splashed in the water, made their way through the building maze and played with loose parts, swung on the swings and ran up and down and made music on the dulcimer climber.

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Project manager Beth Jones highlighted the park’s inclusive nature, including the ADA-accessible walking path, areas for wheelchairs to access many of the Adventure Play Area features, areas for over-stimulated children to decompress, the fence that fully encloses the play area and even the restrooms.

The Grantmakers were interested in the details, how decisions about building the park were made, community input and long-term plans for park sustainability.

Following the tour, Jones answered many questions before the group moved to North Main Street to learn about the ReMain North: Better Block Winchester project and the Downtown Master Plan.

The 31-acre Legacy Grove is expected to open later this fall.