A look at Clark County’s news of the past
Published 10:09 am Thursday, August 22, 2019
50 years ago
Aug. 20, 1969
— George Van Meter Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George Van Meter, graduated from the Woodcraft Camp at Culver Summer School, Culver, Ind. He was the eighth boy in his family to attend the school, in a tradition dating back to 1913.
Aug. 23, 1969
— Winchester Police Chief N. Lee Tucker has reminded citizens that members of the department will check their homes while on vacation. Officers will check the homes each night and report to the homeowners when they return.
Aug. 25, 1969
— A 92-page booklet — “In Time of Emergency” — has been mailed to city and county residents. The booklet is a citizen’s handbook on nuclear attacks and natural disasters and was prepared by the Department of Defense and the Office of Civil Defense.
25 years ago
Aug. 22, 1994
— The George Rogers Clark High School junior varsity cheerleaders placed first in their division ICA Cheerleading Camp at Eastern Kentucky University. Members of the team were Miranda Mullins, Nicole Anderson, Jolene Brewer, Candra Cox, Kara Barnes, Shannon McCord, Heather Stansfield, Amanda Wells, Laura Ormsby, Alissa Carruba and Patricia Robinson.
Aug. 24, 1994
— Lisa Hicks, Casey Macintosh, Brooks Hefner, Wendy Alexander and Jennie Thomas were selected at 1994 Governor’s Scholars.
— Dwayne Green Jr., 5, recently posed for his first modeling photo shoot and appeared in an Aug. 14 McAlpin newspaper supplement.
15 years ago
Aug. 24, 2004
— Clark County Judge-Executive John Myers said he has “definitely made some headway” in shooing away thousands of blackbirds roosting in trees at the Winchester Farms Dairy Youth Soccer Complex. For the past five nights, Myers has been attempting to divert the birds by shooting off cannons.
Aug. 25, 2004
— With one son off training to be a Marine and another son following dreams of being a star in Hollywood, Larry and Becky Long are getting used to the empty nest. The younger of the Longs’ two boys, Zachary, 19, enlisted in the Marine Corps, while Matt, 24, is living in Los Angeles filming episodes for the TV show in which he will be starring.
Aug. 26, 2004
— The Winchester Labor Day Parade celebrated its 100th anniversary. The Labor Day Parade was started by Thomas “Tom” Shackelford in 1904.