Staton: Class reunion brings smiles, memories

Published 10:06 am Thursday, August 22, 2019

Nearly a week ago, my husband Eric and I attended his 50th class reunion at the St. Agatha Academy gymnasium in Winchester.

Eric has changed some, and like many others, he has gained some weight since high school, but unlike me, his hair has not turned gray.

It seems he was still recognizable as one of his old girlfriends came up to him to see if he still remembered her. At first he did not, but was very happy she made an effort to find him. I won’t mention her name, however, but she is such a sweet, pretty lady.

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He had four girlfriends in that class. Three were there and one did not make it. He even mentioned he wondered why she did not come. She and I have talked about how he got in a fight over her once and had a laugh.

I have met each one of them, and I remember how cute he was in school, so I know why he had so many after him.

He enjoys going to the reunions and, as always, he and Craig Bridgewater talked about the mischief they got into while in school. Those two have not changed and are still good at thinking up mischief.

The mood and food was good. Like most reunions, people were mixing and mingling. Several got up and danced but the only song he and I danced to was “My Girl.” He grabbed my hand and asked me to dance. To be honest, we were barely getting through that song before we wanted to sit down. We were nearly out of breath and our being out of shape I am sure was recognizable.

As we went into the reunion, we were given a ticket for a drawing. Each paid admission received a ticket.

Jo Ann Sosby and I were joking about the fact we seldom ever have our name drawn but have gotten lucky a few times before. We were both shocked when her name was drawn first and mine was the second. Later, after several other tickets had been drawn, our second ticket was drawn. We were so lucky and I think we got the best gifts of the night.

In the bag we received, one of the items was a saying on a stand that read, “Count Your Blessings!” On the back were these words: “You Made It! 1969-2019. 50th class reunion.”

As with most reunions, there was also a list of names of the classmates who have passed on and we both were shocked to see how many were gone from his class. The list said 92.

After the reunion, they learned three other names had not been included because the committee was not aware of their passing.

That night before we went to bed, Eric and I discussed how many there were and how sad it was. I related back to the sign we had just won and reminded him how blessed he and I are to have both been able to go to our 50th class reunions.

Less than a week later, another name would be added to their list of departed. On the night of the reunion, Roy Don Reynolds looked as though he enjoyed himself as much as anyone at the reunion. He danced several songs and seemed to be full of life. Eric and he had laughed and talked and reminisced off and on throughout the reunion. Many others did as well.

Six days later, Roy Don passed away. Talk about shock when the class of ‘69 heard that news. I know how stunned Eric was when he heard and it seems everyone else he has talked to felt the same way.

Again the words I have heard all my life rang true — You never know when your time will be to go, you need to be ready.

Roy Don often went to church where we attend. I have only heard good things about him. It seems he had lots of friends.

Since Roy Don’s death I have learned he had heart and circulation problems but did not seek the attention of the doctors. The reason some gave was that he said he wanted to go be with his two precious little boys who died in a house fire many years ago and as small tots. He never got over their devastating deaths.

I have to admire him for going on with his life the best he could.

I am sure many other people would join me in saying, “Rest in peace, Roy Don Reynolds, your time on earth is done!”

Those who knew you are counting their blessings that they did.

Sue Staton is a Clark County native who grew up in the Kiddville area. She is a wife, mother and grandmother who is active in her church, First United Methodist Church, and her homemakers group, Towne and Country Homemakers.