AARP to host October meeting

Published 1:05 pm Thursday, October 24, 2019

AARP Chapter 632 met Sept. 24, at the James B. Allen Generations Center with Sue Staton, president, presiding.

Sixteen members and guests were present.

Charles Everett led the pledge to the flag.

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Staton led the group in prayer for those who were absent due to illness, and everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to Charlotte Pasley.

Staton presented some methods to prevent being scammed, which is an important topic because senior citizens are the primary target of most scammers.

AARP reports the average loss by a victim of financial exploitation is $120,000.

Consumer Reports lists several ways to avoid scams.

For more information, visit

Don Rose informed AARP members the national office of AARP granted the local chapter $1,000 this year, $500 for its service to military veterans and $500 for chapter recognition.

Newly elected officers were announced and will be installed at the chapter’s December meeting.

They are Lynn May, president; Glyness Everett, vice president; Colista Ledford, secretary; and Joyce Reffett, treasurer. Don Rose will serve as an advisor to the officers.

AARP hosts teletownhalls (TTHs) designed to help volunteers stay up-to-date on key AARP activities.

There will be a nationwide call-in from 7 to 8 p.m. Dec. 26 for those interested. Call 877-209-3531. You may also visit the website at

Ledford read the secretary’s report, and Pasley presented the treasurer’s report in the absence of Reffett.

The Oct. 29 AARP meeting will feature a fish fry. Members eat free, but there will be a nominal cost of $2 for each guest.

The meal will begin at 4:30 p.m. at the James B. Allen Generations Center, 32 Meadow St. Everyone 50 years of age or older is invited.

The local chapter will not meet in November.