Clark District Court records for Nov. 16, 2019

Published 11:02 am Monday, November 18, 2019

The following criminal cases were resolved in Clark District Court Nov. 6, 2019, with Judge Cole Adams Maier presiding.

— Vicki Barber, intending to defraud scheme or artifice to obtain benefits, amended to attempt, dismissed.

— Ricky D. Beard, driving under the influence, reckless driving, first-degree wanton endangerment, possession of open container of alcohol in motor vehicle, preliminary hearing, probable cause found, sent to grand jury.

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— Ricky L. Carpenter, failure to or improper signal, possession of a defaced firearm, convicted felon in possession of a firearm, contempt of court, waived to grand jury.

— Scotty A. Christopher, theft by deception, dismissed. (two cases)

— Henry E. Curtis, theft by unlawful taking, amended to attempt, pleaded guilty, 360 days, 330 days conditionally discharged; driving on a DUI-suspended operator’s license, pleaded guilty, 12 days concurrent.

— Richard R. Dunn, flagrant non-support, amended to non-support, pleaded guilty, 360 days, 307 days conditionally discharged.

— Rhonda Jean Evans, failure to produce insurance card, no brake lights, first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance, trafficking in a controlled substance, tampering with physical evidence, waived to grand jury.

— Rhonda Jean Evans, fraudulent use of ID card for benefits, waived to grand jury.

— Stephanie A. Eversole, driving on a suspended operator’s license, possession of drug paraphernalia, first-degree possession of a controlled substance, prescription controlled substance not in proper container, waived indictment, transfer to circuit court.

— Sancha Hayes, first-degree possession of a controlled substance, waived indictment, transfer to circuit court.

— Sancha L. Hayes, public intoxication, pleaded guilty, 10 days; possession of drug paraphernalia, pleaded guilty, 10 days concurrent; contempt of court, dismissed.

— Stefanee Kelley, first-degree promoting contraband, waived indictment, transfer to circuit court.

— Stefanee Kelley, careless driving, dismissed; leaving the scene of an accident, amended to failure to file police report, pleaded guilty, 14 days; driving under the influence (second offense), pleaded guilty, fined, 14 days, 12-month license suspension; driving on a suspended operator’s license, pleaded guilty, 14 days concurrent.

— William Herbert Thomas King, failure to wear seat belt, dismissed; possession of a controlled substance, waived indictment, transfer to circuit court; possession of drug paraphernalia, dismissed; second-degree possession of a controlled substance, dismissed.

— Anthony James MacDonald, first-degree possession of a controlled substance (two counts), waived indictment, transfer to circuit court.

— Brandon Olson, first-degree promoting contraband, preliminary hearing, dismissed, no probable cause.

— Dennis Demond Pinckey, first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance, dismissed, no probable cause; trafficking in a controlled substance, preliminary hearing, probable cause found, sent to grand jury; tampering with physical evidence, probable cause found, sent to grand jury giving an officer false identifying information, dismissed; fugitive from another state, dismissed.

— Herbert Slone, theft by unlawful taking, amended to attempt, pleaded guilty, 360 days, 353 days conditionally discharged, restitution; first-degree possession of a controlled substance, amended to attempt, pleaded guilty, concurrent sentence.

— Jason J. Wakeley, no operator’s license, failure to or improper signal, first-degree possession of a controlled substance, second-degree possession of a controlled substance, preliminary hearing, probable cause found, sent to grand jury.

The following criminal cases were resolved in Clark District Court Nov. 4, 2019, with Judge Charles Hardin presiding.

— Leslie Allison Caudill, driving under the influence, pleaded guilty, fined, 30-day license suspension; disregarding a stop sign, dismissed; careless driving, dismissed.

— Jordan D’Andre Timothy Fletcher, driving under the influence, pleaded guilty, fined, 30-day license suspension; rear license not illuminated, dismissed; failure to wear seat belts, pleaded guilty, fined.

— Stephen Green, possession of drug paraphernalia, pleaded guilty, five days.

— Tanya S. Hepburn, disorderly conduct, dismissed; theft by deception, dismissed; carrying a concealed deadly weapon, dismissed.

— Monica Milton, theft by unlawful taking, pleaded guilty, 30 days conditionally discharged.

— Sammy W. Sorrell, second-degree hindering prosecution or apprehension, pleaded guilty, one day.

— Colby Lane Terrell, driving under the influence, pleaded guilty, sentencing Jan. 13, 2020; careless driving, dismissed; failure to wear seat belt, dismissed.

— Debbie M. Thompson, theft by unlawful taking, pleaded guilty, 30 days conditionally discharged, restitution.

— Larry Warner, driving under the influence, pleaded guilty, fined, 30-day license suspension.

— Stephen Lynn Bell, driving under the influence (second offense), pleaded guilty, fined, 12-month license suspension; careless driving, dismissed; failure to wear seat belt, dismissed.

— Francisco L. Bucio, driving under the influence (second offense), pleaded guilty, fined, 12-month license suspension, seven days; improper display or registration plate, dismissed.

— Marcus Wilson Bullard, alcohol intoxication, pleaded guilty, one day; facilitation to first-degree unlawful imprisonment, pleaded guilty, 60 days, 49 days conditionally discharged.

— Barbara Rowland, driving under the influence, pleaded guilty, fined, 12-month license suspension, nine days.

— Dennis D. Pickney Jr.., fugitive from another state, waived extradition.