Caldwell: Holiday ‘cheer’ can last all year
Published 12:22 pm Monday, December 30, 2019
- Mike Caldwell
Christmas may be over but that doesn’t mean our holiday spirit has to be packed away in the garage or attic with the tree, lights and all those festive decorations.
The holidays bring out the best in many people when it comes to how we treat others and in our support for charitable organizations that are critical to our community.
Simply put, Christmas makes most of us better human beings … at least for a little while. It isn’t called a magical season for nothing.
But who says it has to end when the calendar rolls over?
Instead of making short-lived New Year’s resolutions about losing weight, exercising more or giving up a bad habit, what would happen if we all made a commitment to hold on to just a little bit of that holiday spirit and spread it throughout the year?
Most resolutions are difficult to maintain because they are self-focused and the impact doesn’t extend beyond ourselves. Although these internal changes can be rewarding, they cannot come close to the feeling that you get from being a better person and making a difference in some else’s life.
I’m going to try it this year. It won’t be easy but nothing truly worth it ever is.
Just as we do during the holidays, I hope to appreciate the magic of our world a little more all year and not take God’s small miracles for granted.
Hopefully I can help those in need more, have more patience with those around me and basically live by the Golden Rule, which much of our society seems to have forgotten. You know, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
Since I am ditching those other resolutions I may be a little fatter and less healthy but capturing some holiday magic in the middle of summer will be something worth celebrating all year long.
Happy New Year!
Michael Caldwell is publisher of The Winchester Sun and Winchester Living magazine. He can be reached at (859) 759-0095 or by email at