From the Minutes: Club news for March 6, 2020

Published 9:58 am Friday, March 6, 2020

LLL Club has February meeting

The LLL Club met Feb. 18 at Central Baptist Church for its regular monthly meeting and potluck luncheon.

The meeting was conducted by President David Hoffman, and the invocation was given by Dr. Bill Snowden.

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Bob Quick led the group in singing “I Must Tell Jesus” and “Love Lifted Me,” accompanied by Peggy Snowden on the piano.

JoAnn Pelfrey, devotional speaker, spoke about “Taking Control of Your Attitude,” read from Isaiah and closed with prayer.

Hoffman introduced Jeff Lewis with Winchester-Clark County Parks and Recreation, who spoke to the club about the Silver Sneakers fitness program offered to senior citizens.

The minutes were read by Gayle Crowe, and the treasurer’s report was submitted by Phyllis Henderson.

“Out to Lunch” will be March 3. The club will be going to Michael’s.

The next monthly meeting will be March 17.

Those having birthdays in February were recognized, and “Happy Birthday” was sung.

Hoffman read the prayer list and gave the closing prayer and table blessing.

Lunch was served to members Alice Barrett, Gayle Crowe, Bob Davis, Ken and Barbara Durkin, Pat Gibbs, Jo Gravett, Greg Groen, Phyllis Henderson, David and Glenda Hoffman, Anita Jones, Bill Kennon, Lila Omohundro, JoAnn Pelphrey, John Powell, Bob and Marie Quick, Bonnie Sartin, Dr. Bill and Peggy Snowden, Lunner Thacker, Mary Watts, Julie Woosley, and Conard and Geraldine Young, and guests Greg Crowe, Jeff Lewis and Kaiden Sexton.

AARP Chapter 632 has February meeting

AARP Chapter 632 met Feb. 25 at the James B. Allen Generations Center with Lynn May presiding. There were 18 members and guests present.

The meeting was opened with attendees reciting the Pledge of Allegiance followed by prayer led by Elizabeth Gay.

Colista Ledford was then honored as everyone sang ‘Happy Birthday.’

May announced that the Generations Center would be willing to allow AARP members to use the computers there. She stated she would offer a class on working with emails and passwords. The local chapter’s email address is

Don Rose said this chapter has again been offered a grant of up to $1,000 to try to grow the chapter. The number of members and attendance have been declining.

Our chapter received $500 last year through a similar grant offer. We have until April 1 to apply for the grant, which Rose and May will submit.

We need a project leader who will launch projects to advertise the chapter’s benefits to our citizens and community.

Rose stated currently the chapter has a roster of 48 members, but at one time there were 120. Several good ideas to increase membership were presented. Everyone 50 years of age or older is invited to join and guests are always welcome.

Rose and Sue Staton ended the meeting by relating several interesting stories from their childhood.

The next meeting will be at 6 p.m. March 31 the James B. Allen Generations Center, 32 Meadow St.