‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’
Published 11:39 am Saturday, January 22, 2022
- A longtime sage, Winchester Sun columnist William Rowell can be reached at blrowell@embarqmail.com
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That is the title of an old song written back in the mid 1940’s and sung by many artists since. It was in the news recently as some now find it sexist and offensive.
What I find offensive is that it has gotten cold again. This is my least favorite season.
Once we get through Christmas, I’m ready to see greenery, tulips and warm sunshine again. I miss my hummingbirds. Most people love those Currier and Ives snow scenes. I look at one and only see the biting cold plus the mud and slop when it starts to melt.
That being said, I realize it is nature’s way to reduce the summer bug population.
It also forces inside confinement to do your taxes, and procrastinate on those inside chores you promised to do when it got cold.
The good news is that I don’t have to cut the grass, watch for snakes on the golf course, or go to bed when it’s still light. Also, I write this in a consistent and comfortable 72 degree temperature. After finishing, I can watch hundreds of TV programs and stored movies; or, I can just read a book with background music of my choice. If I so desire, my closest exposure to outdoors is a window view, double paned of course.
It wasn’t always like this. As a youngster, we relied on wood heaters and stoves for warmth and food. You had to stand close to feel the heat and turn often to warm your front and back. The fire often needed to be stoked and wood added.
We had a cat once and she loved warmth to the point she would get too close, wag her tail against the red hot heater and burn the hair off it. Have you ever seen a hairless tailed cat? Better yet, have you ever smelled burning cat hair in a closed environment?
When I want heat now I push a button. Trees then had to be felled in the spring, cut to the right length, split and stacked to dry for burning.
My winter job was to keep the porch supplied with enough wood for the day. This was with hardwoods for heat and pine for cooking. When it snowed, my second job in the morning was to shovel a path to the wood shed from the porch. My first priority was clearing a path leading to the outhouse.
When the wind chill was near zero or worse, this was truly answering “nature’s call”. You put it off as long as you could and then not linger. There was no reading material left there or taken with you in the winter months.
Some of you may have had experience with a port-a-john at a concert, sporting event, or whatever. This is not pleasant; but, it is a solid fiber structure.
Imagine it being made of wood allowing an icy North wind to whistle through the cracks.
You may ask if I miss the good old days. I believe the good old days are actually now. At my age, I could not even think of doing all the things necessary for existence in those days.
I do miss the people around then that have since passed. I wouldn’t pay a nickel to go back; but, would give everything I own to bring them forward.
They would be truly amazed at how we deal with cold weather now.
Stay warm my friends.
God bless and have a great day.
A sage and great writer, William Rowell can be reached at blrowell@embarqmail.com