What’s happening at the Library?
Published 9:00 am Friday, October 14, 2022
- Clark County Public Library.
Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
By John Maruskin
Clark County Public Library
The Soup Can Challenge for Clark County Community Services continues. Donate cans of unopened, labeled, and non-expired soup and choose a free book from the Book Sale shelves in the Library lobby. The Library hopes to get 1000 cans of soup for Community Services.
Monday, October 24, 11 AM, Pageturner’s Book Group meets to discuss “The Overnight Guest,” by Heather Gudenkauf.
True crime writer, Wylie Lark, is snowed in at an isolated farmhouse where she’s retreated to write her new book. She finds a small child in the snow and, bringing him inside for warmth and safety, learns that the farmhouse isn’t isolated.
Books available at the circulation desk. You will be registered to attend when you check out a copy.
Tuesday, October 18, 6:30PM, after a two-year pandemic hiatus, reference Librarians, Jennifer Mattern and Angela Turner reprise their most popular Local History program, Murder & Mayhem. Join them for their current installment of creepy cases from the past. Two true-crime stories from the Midwest region will be featured. Light refreshments served. Please call the library to register to attend. 859-744-5661.
Kentucky Career Center Representative, Christie Hoskins, will be at CCPL, Wednesday, October 19, 1-4 PM. Christie can provide career training information including programs for veterans and people with disabilities. She helps people create resumes, explore career options, and match jobs with their skills.
If you’d like to set up an appointment with Christie during her October 19 visit, email choskins@kycareers.com, or call 859-779-4622.
Tuesday, November 1, 6 PM & Tuesday, November 15, 6 PM learn Beginning Calligraphy. Each class covers the same material.
The classes are an introduction to ways you can utilize calligraphy in your home or as gifts. While you can practice to become an “expert calligrapher” at your leisure, this class introduces the techniques and materials to use. Please call the Library at 859-744-5661 to reserve your spot at one of the sessions. Limited seating.
The Library’s writing workshop, Write Local, meets Friday, October 14 and 28, 10-11:30 AM on Zoom.
Participants read works in progress, discussion follows. We meet on Zoom because manuscripts are easily screen-shared, and out-of-town visitors can attend. For more information or to receive a Zoom invitation, contact Adult Services Librarian, John Maruskin, 859-744-5661, ext. 110; john.clarkbooks@gmail.com.
The Library’s discussion group, Meeting of Minds, meets Tuesday, October 25, 6 PM on Zoom. Conversations at Meeting of Minds range. We usually do not start with a set topic. A topic arises from initial friendly kibitzing. We’re friends and neighbors examining events and issues of the day. We discuss, we don’t argue. All opinions, perspectives, parties and persuasions are welcome.
For more information contact Adult Services Librarian, John Maruskin.
Now, back to soup. Looking for inexpensive soup recipes to feed your own hungry brood? Pick up the latest copy of “Dollar Store Gourmet” recipes at the circulation desk the next time you check out materials.
Recipes for October are Pizza Soup, Chicken Pot Pie Soup, Everything Chowder, and Salsa Verde Chicken Chili. All ingredients available at Dollar Stores. All are delicious mix, heat and serve recipes.
Weather’s chilly. Soup and a good book or video. Lovely.