Latest Letters


Flag box temporarily moved

This weekend the Flag Deposit Box for unserviceable American Flags was removed. It will be gone for 2-3 ...


DEAR ABBY: Roomates get snippy over canine care

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I are newlyweds and share an apartment with another couple because we ran ...


DR. ROACH: In the diabetic’s toolbox: diet, exercise and blood sugar control

DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m a recently diagnosed diabetic. Can you please give me advice on how to reverse ...


HELOISE: Stay cool when temperatures rise

Dear Readers: The heat is on. Hot temperatures are here for the summer, and they can take a ...


DEAR HELOISE: Reclaim your living space

Dear Readers: Going back into the office is what lots of us are doing. We can now reclaim ...


Dear Abby: Adult son resists rent demands from parents

DEAR ABBY: Should a 23-year-old son pay room and board even though he spends little time at home ...


Dr. Roach: Weighing osteopenia treatment against periodontal disease

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an 80-year-old female in good health except for a diagnosis of osteopenia. My ...


Dear Abby: Woman’s marital arrangement causes family strife

DEAR ABBY: My adult daughter is married. She also has a boyfriend. Both of these men live with ...


Dr. Roach: HTLV infection is rare in North America

DEAR DR. ROACH: I recently donated blood to our local blood bank, which I have done many times ...


Ask Heloise: Unforgettable coleslaw

Dear Heloise: I had your pamphlet on vinegar, and it was a lifesaver. It included not only household ...

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