25 Years Ago for May 31, 2017

May 31, 1992

—A daughter was born to Luis and Julie Rivera, Winchester, at Humana Hospital, Lexington. She has been named Ariel Luisa. Grandparents are Ms. Jean Kirk and S.E. Kirk, Winchester; Sonia Smallwood, Nicholasville and Raphael Rivera, Puerto Rico.

—A daughter was born to Brenda and Oscar Green Sr., Winchester, at Clark Regional Medical Center. She has been named Gabrielle LaToya. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Parks and Mary B. Richardson, Winchester, and the late Mr. Richardson.

—Tiffany Routien, 9, is the top Girl Scout cookie salesperson for Clark County, selling 571 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. She is a member of Brownie Troop No. 1322.
