Hospice East hosts Camp Braveheart for grieving children

In June, Hospice East hosted the inaugural Camp Braveheart for children coping with the recent loss of a significant person in their lives. The one-day camp was free, with activities planned to help children open up and process their grief in healthy ways.

Hospice East social workers Dana Conn and Lindsey Willoughby organized the camp, with help for Nathan Bush and Beth Mullins, who have hosted similar camps in surrounding counties. They also brought their therapy dog, Lisa, who was loved by all the campers.

Campers mad crafts to remember their loved ones, learned health habits that can help them cope with negative emotions and developed relationships with peers.

Many Hospice East staff and volunteers were on hand as well to provide support to the children.

The day concluded with family members joining the children for a balloon release, where they wrote messages to loved ones they lost on the balloons.

Plans are already in the works to host Camp Braveheart again next summer.

Hospice East provides bereavement services to family members of Hospice patients and anyone else in the community who may need grief support. Hospice East is a nonprofit organization and all services are free of charge.

This year’s camp was made possible by funds raised in the Good Giving Challenge and a matching grant from The Clark County Community Foundations.

The facility was provided by Winchester First Church of God and food donations came from Giovanni’s and Domino’s.
