Wilson indicted for 17 counts of child porn

The former principal of the Clark Area Technology Center was indicted Thursday for multiple counts of possession and promoting sexually explicit images of juveniles, but fewer than in his initial arrest.

Phillip Todd Wilson, 54, of 1290 Fulton Drive, was arrested in August after an individual told the school resource officer they received about 15 images from Wilson through text messages and social media.

Thursday, the Clark County grand jury indicted Wilson on 11 counts of possession of matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor and six counts of promoting a sexual performance by a minor. Both charges are class D felonies with a sentence of one to five years upon conviction.

When he was arrested Aug. 27, Wilson was charged with 15 counts of each offense.

The grand jury chooses whether or not to indict a person based on evidence presented during closed hearings.

According to court documents, Kentucky State Police detectives interviewed Wilson in his office at the ATC, which is housed in George Rogers Clark High School.

In a search warrant affidavit, Wilson reportedly admitted to sending the images to two females.

Detectives confiscated Wilson’s cell phone and a laptop computer from his office as part of the investigation.

Wilson had served as the ATC principal since 2017, following a brief stint on the Clark County Board of Education in 2016.

The grand jury returned the following indictments Thursday.

— Thomas L. Kagin, first-degree possession of a controlled substance, public intoxication.

— Angelia S. Abbott-Perry, fraudulent use of ID card to receive benefits, first-degree persistent felony offender.

— Derick Danrell, careless driving, no operator’s license, trafficking in a controlled substance – heroin, tampering with physical evidence, first-degree persistent felony offender.

— Steven L. Sams, second-degree criminal possession of a forged instrument (five counts), first-degree persistent felony offender.

— Lantz R. Coons, third-degree burglary (three counts), first-degree possession of a controlled substance, possession of burglary tools.

— Chad I. Barrett, receiving stolen property over $10,000.

— Jarell A. Thomas, first-degree burglary, fourth-degree assault, first-degree wanton endangerment.

— Marshall T. Watts, first-degree burglary, second-degree assault.

— Gage Spurlock, Edward Tyler Fugate and Joel D. Layne, first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance – methamphetamine, convicted felon in possession of a handgun, tampering with physical evidence, first-degree possession of a controlled substance – methamphetamine, driving on a suspended operator’s license, first-degree persistent felony offender (Fugate), second-degree persistent felony offender (Layne).

— Naomi R. Cole, first-degree promoting contraband, first-degree possession of a controlled substance – methamphetamine.

— Naomi R. Cole, first-degree possession of a controlled substance – methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia, public intoxication.

— Calvyn Winston and Jordan Wright, trafficking in a controlled substance within 1,000 yards of a school while in possession of a firearm (Winston), complicity to traffick in a controlled substance within 1,000 yards of a school (Wright), first-degree unlawful transaction with a minor, receiving stolen property – firearm (Winston).

— Dustin Montgomery, first-degree possession of a controlled substance – methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia, public intoxication.

— Rebecca Barnard, first-degree possession of a controlled substance.

— David R. Caudill, driving under the influence (fourth offense), driving on a DUI-suspended operator’s license (second offense).

— Travis Sargent, first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance – cocaine.

— James E. Drummond, first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance – heroin, first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance – fentanyl, first-degree possession of a controlled substance – methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia.

— Robert Stephens, Ashley Bailey, Yvonne Sellers and Austin Stephens, trafficking in a controlled substance – fentanyl (three counts), trafficking in a controlled substance – heroin (three counts), first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance – methamphetamine (five counts), possession of drug paraphernalia (three counts).

— Jessica N. Smith, trafficking in a controlled substance – heroin (two counts), first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance – opiates, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia.

The grand jury dismissed the following case.

— Cody Jones, theft by unlawful taking – auto, public intoxication.
