Letters to the Editor for Oct. 9, 2018

Recommending a good businessman

I am writing to you about a local business here in Winchester, Dean’s Auto Care on North Main Street. My wife’s vehicle was in need of some mechanical work and Dean’s was recommended to me by another auto mechanic. He was said to be “knowledgeable, fair and honest.”  When going over the estimate with me, he took ample time explaining in detail what work needed to be done and why.

The next day, he called to tell me the car was ready. He went on to say the estimate had been conservative, as it turned out and it ended up taking less labor time to complete the repairs. The end result was a final bill of $408 instead of the $539 original estimate.

In this age of perpetual discord, distrust and downright dishonesty, this was truly a breath of fresh air for me. I would recommend this man and his business to anyone.

Chip Ward


Positive campaigning a must

It is a known fact action speaks louder than words. Many times, our negativity shines in how we campaign and what is said. It shows the true character of an individuals.

We all have our likes and dislikes and preferences and political affiliations in how things should be done.

I prefer to hear what a candidate intends to accomplish during his or her term in office, how he or she plans to accomplish and it and to be positive in his or her attitude.

Brian Thomas has fulfilled his duties as Clark County Attorney as he promised the people he would. And, when all is said and done, when I go to the polls to cast my vote, it is with these thoughts in mind.

Vote for Brian Thomas for Clark County Attorney.

Carolyn Bellamy


Keep Thomas as Clark County Attorney

Brian Thomas is a man dedicated to the job at Clark County Attorney and considers himself a servant of the people who elected him to this position and an advocate for those who have no voice.

He is always ready to listen without bias, give advice if necessary (and/or asked for) and does not judge a person according to his or her crime status in the community or education.

We are very fortunate to have this man as our Clark County Attorney and I will be voting for him in the November election. I hope you will also.

Tara Hopewell


Brian Thomas for Clark County Attorney

Brian Thomas stated when he first ran for Clark County Attorney what his plans were for the office when he was elected.

He followed through on those plans and kept his word to the people. I find that to be trustworthy.

He believes in fairness to all and is alway available to anyone who might be in need.

Thomas believes a handshake still means something like his father and grandfather before him.

I believe he is the best man for the job and he will be receiving my vote on Nov. 6.

Johnny Palmer

