Clark Fiscal Court gets proposed 2020 budget
Following a three hour budget discussion Monday, the Clark County Fiscal Court saw the final proposed budget for the coming fiscal year Thursday night.
The budget grew from $15.14 million Monday to $15.85 million Thursday, largely from the including of $630,000 to purchase a new tanker and fire truck for the Clark County Fire Department, Clark County Judge-Executive Chris Pace said.
During the discussions Monday, Pace said fire trucks hinged on any increases in funding for EMS services from the city. Winchester Fire-EMS Chief Cathy Rigney told the city commission she wanted to add a fourth emergency ambulance and 10 employees, which would add about $700,000 to the budget. The county shares the cost of EMS with the city.
As of Thursday, the increase does not appear to be moving forward.
“The administration of the city will not recommend the additional staff and ambulance, to my knowledge,” Pace said. “The city can still change its mind.”
The city commission typically holds its budget discussions in late May, well after the county sets its budget.
Besides the city, the state could also play a role in the county’s budget for fiscal year 2020, depending on how the pension situation plays out in Frankfort. Many governmental agencies could get hit with massive mandatory payments to keep the pension system afloat.
“The city could drastically change our budget as could the state, with the pension debate going on in Frankfort,” Pace said.
Even with the funds for the fire trucks, the proposed $15.85 million budget is still less than the current fiscal year 2019 budget of $15.96 million.
Pace said he plans continuing to shrink the budget each year.
The fiscal court must approve the first reading of the budget my June 1 and the second reading by June 30, the last day of the fiscal year. Pace said he plans to submit the budget to the Department of Local Government for review prior to the first reading.
Any changes made by DLG can not be reversed by the fiscal court.
In other action Thursday, the Clark County Fiscal Court:
— noted the indigent burial of Glenn McCormick Sr.
— appointed Chris Thacker to the Winchester-Clark County Planning Commission.
— appointed Dennis Wallace to the Ethics Commission.
— approved to surplus and sell the barn structure at the Clark County Fairgrounds.