Yates named community education coordinator
Greg Yates has been hired as the Clark County Public Schools community education coordinator, a position which has been vacant for more than a year.
Along with the new position, Yates will continue his role as executive director of Partners in Education, which he has held since 2014.
Yates serves on the Clark County Extension Council, Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, George Rogers Clark High School Youth Services Center Advisory Council, Project Lead The Way Bio-Med Advisory Council, and the PLTW Engineering Advisory Council.
He also serves as the vice president for the Chamber of Commerce Business Enhancement Sustainment Team (BEST) Committee and chair of the Campbell Junior High School YSC Advisory Council.
Yates is also president-elect of the Winchester Kiwanis Club.
Yates served in the Army National Guard and US Army from 1980 until retiring at the rank of Major in 2004.
Yates and his wife, Denise, have resided in Winchester since 2005 and have two children, Grissom and Ainsley.