Poet’s Corner: Christ’s Cruel Cross

As the Savior hung upon the cross of Calvary
He gave His life for you and for me.
Upon His face were lines of pain and misery
He suffered there that we could go free.
In pain and agony, the ransom was paid.
Upon the cruel cross, by Jesus was made.
They mocked His name, upon His head they placed a crown
King of the Jews, bring yourself down.
They pierced His side, He cried aloud in agony.
My Savior gave His life for you and me.
In pain and agony, the ransom was paid.
Upon the cruel cross, by Jesus was made.
And then He cried, My God, Have You forsaken me?
He felt alone as He hung on the tree.
He felt the shame as He bore our sins to take away.
God’s perfect Lamb was slain upon that day.
In pain and agony, the ransom was paid.
Upon the cruel cross, by Jesus was made.
The sky grew dark, the raindrops flowed upon the ground.
The veil was rent with a mighty sound.
It’s over now, He dropped His head, death claimed this One.
The cruel cross took God’s only son.
In pain and agony, the ransom was paid.
The ultimate sacrifice, by Jesus was made.

Poem Christ’s Cruel Cross was written by Joyce Tincher.
