What’s Happening at the Library: Getting artsy, literary at library party
By John Maruskin
Clark County Public Library
Let’s jump ahead a bit, because I want to promote a special day of adult art programming at the Clark County Public Library Saturday, Oct. 14, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with “Party-Arty Day,” a day of visual and literary workshops for adults and a book signing session by a new Kentucky author.
That day from 10 to 11:30 a.m., Tasha Perkins will present a Frida Kahlo Portrait Studio. Each participant will be photographed for a portrait. While those are printed, Tasha will show a brief PowerPoint about Frida Kahlo and her style. You’ll be given instruction on how to paint a background on which you’ll paste your portrait to create your very own, very wonderful Kahlo inspired self-portrait. This class is limited to 12. You must register to attend.
At 11:45 a.m., I’ll be hosting a Lunch Poems round robin reading session. Bring a short piece you love (two to five minutes) and read it out loud. Prose, poetry, anecdote, joke, song, tall-tale, essay, anything you like. While we read we’ll snack on a light lunch, sip some coffee, just like real Beatniks. Feel free to wear a beret.
From 1 to 2:30 p.m., Sue-Z Early, the Library’s resident Beacon of Joy, will present Cut & Paste Poetry Collage. She’ll demonstrate creating flash posters with old magazines and newspapers. Dare to go analog. This workshop abjures e– for Elmer’s and scissors. Bring images, magazines or paper you’d like to use, otherwise the library will supply supplies. The program is limited to 12. You must register to attend.
At 3 p.m., Library Director Julie Maruskin will conclude the day with an A-1 ripping presentation entitled “Clovis deFleury: The Life and Times of a Four-Inch-Tall Haiku-Writing Sheep: Using the Camera to Write Fiction,” that will describe how to use a camera to tell stories.
When Julie got a digital camera, she took photos of toys and dolls she collected or made. The first printed batch of photos spoke from every image. Stories spilled out and begged (shouted!) to be written: a fuzzy little monkey developed a terrible craving for moonshine and blue ink; a family of French sheep showed up with a herd of supernatural chenille chicken pets; packs of plastic dinosaurs clashed with feral fashion dolls roaming around like mall-addled zombies. She let the camera show her stories she wanted to tell and started documenting the not-so-fictional world of Myristica Farm.
Bring your imagination and your favorite transitional object(s), if desired. All else supplied. The program is limited to 15. Please register to attend.
Along with those art sessions, from 1 to 2 p.m. in the barrel vault, local author Marie Parsons will autograph her novel “The Devil’s Back.”
Gwyn Hyman Rubio (author of “Icy Sparks”) writes “The Devil’s Back” explores the compelling story of Adam and Laurey Moore’s May-December marriage. With spirited comedy, gentle humor, and poignant reflection, her roller coaster narrative whips through a wide range of human experience, and the reader emerges enlightened and delighted. “The Devil’s Back” is a “must read” for all.”
Other local authors interested in having an autographing session on Oct. 14 (or any time) can call me at 744-5661, ext. 110, or email john.clarkbooks@gmail.com, to make arrangements.
Got questions about “Party-Arty Day?” Call or email me. To register for the workshops and reading session, call the library at 744-5661, or use the Evanced online registration system on the Library’s website, www.clarkbooks.org.
Now, this week:
— Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., The second session of CCPL’s Writer Series. Local author Tamera Rehnborg discusses Spiritual Writing/Inner Terrain.” Tamera is the author of “Growing Room: For Life in Tight Places” (call # 248.4 Rehn). This class is limited to 15, please register to attend and bring writing materials.
— Wednesday at 2 p.m., Kentucky Picture Show presents a 2017 film based on the story of a young Marine corporal whose unique bond with her combat dog saved lives during their deployment in Iraq. Rated PG-13
— Saturday at 8 p.m., Saturday Night at the Movies presents “The Wrecking Crew” a documentary about unknown studio musicians who really played some of the most popular tunes of the 1960s and 1970s.
Make your week wonderful by coming to the library.
John Maruskin is director of adult services at the Clark County Public Library. He can be reached at john.clarkbooks@gmail.com.