Down the Lane: Pass on the love of reading

I love to read and always have. I read something every day of my life.

When I was young, I got the limit of books allowed off the bookmobile at school. I read the books and looked forward to getting more the next time. My parents loved to read, and so did my siblings, especially my older brother, who would rather read westerns than do his lessons.

The other day I was reading a book someone had given to my mother-in-law Jean Staton at her retirement. The book was written by hand and given to her by Jessie Perry. I thought it was such a sweet gift.

The book included quotes from different people she had worked with and famous people. On through the book were some jokes. There were two that caught my eye. The first one had no title. It read, “No matter how much a private room in a hospital costs, they only give you semiprivate gowns.” I got a chuckle from this one.

The next one was labeled Math Problem. “What did one math book say to the other?“ The answer was, “Don’t bother me, I have problems of my own.”

The joke sure got me to thinking. We do not want to be bothered by the problems of someone else since we feel we have too many issues of our own.

Is that the real reason or is it because we are too selfish with our time? Have we become so busy in life we do not have the time to help others out the way we wish we could?

These two reasons seem to describe me. Some people say they get so lonesome and bored because they have nothing to do. This seems so far fetched to me. I should realize I have been blessed to have not been in this particular position.

We all could help others out in some way, even if just a little bit every day. Some would love a phone call because no one else does.

When I was a secretary at a church, I was asked to call one or two of the older women who no longer were able to attend since they got so lonely. I remember how much they told me they appreciated my calls.

There was a lady I used to call and check on regularly who also had non-hodgkin lymphoma. She needed someone else who had stage four cancer to give her encouragement. She lived in Georgia, so I have no idea how we got her name in Kentucky, but she and I became dear friends.

Both of us enjoyed speaking with one another. She was quite a few years older than myself, but I have never minded speaking to anyone older, even as a child. Her attitude seemed to improve and she did not sound as depressed after several calls. She told me how she looked forward to our chats.

I envy those who thrive on doing things for others. They seem to be happiest when they are making others happy. It is true. When we see someone else happy, it usually rubs off on us, especially if we have had a hand in their happiness.

All our lives are full of problems; we all have our stressors. Let us try to do something to make one another happier even in a small way.

I challenge everyone to do something this week for someone else. Let’s forget our problems and think of others.

For this one week, do what you can to bring a smile to someone else’s face and see if you do not feel one come back on your face.

Do something for someone who would be least expecting it. I am already getting excited thinking about who or what I may do this week.

Who knows? We may get in the habit of doing kind things.

Sue Staton is a Clark County native who grew up in the Kiddville area. She is a wife, mother and grandmother who is active at First United Methodist Church and Towne and Country Homemakers. 
