Caldwell: Spring is almost here … maybe

Call me jaded, but I do not trust Mother Nature one bit.

I have seen her cruel tricks far too many times in the past.

Here we are almost exactly one month before spring, and forecasts are projecting temperatures in the 70s this weekend.

That sure doesn’t feel like February.

But don’t worry, I am not here to talk about global warming. I will leave that hornet’s nest for the scientists and politicians to bicker about.

However, one thing that I know is beyond dispute is that the Bluegrass State is a great place to be in spring and summer.

There are so many great places to visit, from one end of the Commonwealth to the other.

Whether it is Cumberland Falls, Mammoth Cave, the Land Between the Lakes or attractions much closer to home like Fort Boonesborough, the Red River Gorge or the Kentucky Horse Park, Kentucky has so many natural resources that many of us who grew up here take for granted.

The list would fill this space 10 times over.

Living in Ohio and Michigan for the better part of 15 years made that point perfectly clear.

The state has done a better job of promoting tourism in recent years, but so much more can be done, although that can best be accomplished on a grassroots level.

Every citizen needs to become an ambassador for Kentucky and become the state’s biggest champion.

Plan mini vacations right here at home rather than taking your disposable income across state lines.

When out-of-state friends talk about where they want to take their next trip, make sure they know all the great opportunities right here in good ole Kentucky.

When people toss out stereotypes and other negativity, we all need to make sure we show the critics that we are not the cast of “Beverly Hillbillies.”

If you didn’t know exactly how I feel, it sure is nice to be back home in Kentucky.

I really hope this spring-like weather is here to stay. I am just not buying it quite yet.

Michael Caldwell is publisher of The Winchester Sun and Winchester Living magazine. He can be reached at (859) 759-0095 or by email at
