Campbell students raise money to purchase beds

Four Robert D. Campbell Junior High School seventh-graders raised enough money to purchase 27 beds for Clark County Public Schools students and their siblings.

Damonica Partin, a library media specialist at Campbell, said students in Campbell’s Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP) chose to fundraise to purchase beds as their central project this year.

Partin said students Ryan Jackson, Christian Ison, Joby MitMesser and Clay Turley had the idea from one of their parents who had traveled to Guatemala and built beds for children there.

The students were then surprised to learn many fellow students didn’t have a bed at home.

“We figured out a lot of kids don’t have beds,” Mitmesser said.

Having a bed on which to sleep was important, Mitmesser said, because there are a lot of benefits to getting a good night’s rest.

Ison said getting the recommended hours of sleep can lead to better grades, higher productivity, a more positive attitude and more.

So they sat out to fundraise, selling candy bars and doughnuts in churches and even visiting a Chamber of Commerce event to ask for donations. Turley said they started fundraising about halfway through the school year.

The students also worked out deals with local companies such as Family Emporium Furniture Store, Leggett & Platt, Walmart and more to receive discounted bed parts and accessories.

One bed with all of its accessories cost $202.46. So far, they have raised more than $7,000, which has left them with money to roll over to next school year to purchase even more beds.

Partin said they are still accepting donations and hope to purchase twice as many beds next year.

Interested donors can call 745-5200 for more information on how to donate.

The students began to deliver beds Wednesday.

Jackson said he was surprised to see the living conditions of some houses, making him realize he is privileged.

“Some of them only have the bare necessities,” Jackson said. “They’re sleeping on the couch or the ground.”

Mitmesser said he glad to be able to make a difference.

“It was also cool to see we can raise the money even though we are seventh graders,” he said. “ … We can make a difference.”
