Our View: A reminder for drivers

As Memorial Day approaches, so does the end of the school year and warmer weather. That means more children will be out and about playing and enjoying their summer vacation.

With that, motorists should be extra cautious in the coming weeks. Additionally, parents and guardians should provide extra warnings for this little ones to keep them safe.

Kids will be excited and may not be thinking about their personal safety so drivers need to be extra cautious in looking for child pedestrians during the summer months.

Here are some tips for motorists:

— Be alert, especially in residential areas, around parks and playgrounds and in school zones, in the summer but also all year long.

— The last week of school is an exciting time for students, who may become preoccupied and forget the safety rules for boarding busses, finding their ride after school or even walking to and from school. Use extra caution when driving through school zones and during the hours immediately before and after school when children might be out and about more.

— Watch for clues. A basketball goal, a ball in the road or on the sidewalk can mean kids are playing nearby. Use extra caution in these scenarios.

— Always watch for small children as you’re backing up. Take a walk around your vehicle to make sure no kids or pets are behind it.

— Slow down if there are children along the road or crossing the street. Come to a full stop at intersections.

— Expect the unexpected in areas where there are children. They may cross the street at the wrong place or suddenly run or ride in front of you.

— Don’t be distracted. Keep both hands on the wheel and both eyes on the road.

— Yield the right of way to pedestrians. It’s the law. Also keep in mind laws about sharing the road with cyclists.

Here are some tips for parents and guardians:

— Teach your children to make eye contact with the driver before they cross, even if the walk signal is on.

— Remind your children to walk, don’t run, across the road and to stop, look and listen before crossing the street.

— Don’t jaywalk. Teach your children to cross at intersections that have a marked crosswalk or a pedestrian crossing light.

— When walking with your child, avoid unnecessary shortcuts like walking through a parking lot. Drivers may not see children between parked cars and the children may not see the cars moving.

— Teach children to watch out for cars that are backing up.

— Remind children not to play in or around vehicles.

With a little extra caution from all, following the rules of the road and being attentive, we can prevent unnecessary accidents or injuries this summer.
