Clark County Community Fund applications due Aug. 31st
Published 5:00 pm Monday, August 22, 2022
- Clark County Courthouse, Kentucky
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The Clark County Fiscal Court will be accepting grant applications through the Clark County Community Fund for the upcoming fiscal year through Wednesday, Aug. 31st at 4:00 p.m.
Last year, just over $100,000 was spent on community projects and other needs.
Non-profit or charitable organizations looking to make Winchester a better living community are encouraged to apply to the Clark County Community Fund, which can provide financial support and relief.
Along with information provided on the application form, the process includes submitting a cover letter with a description of the project, time frame, and funding amount (signed by the CEO and/or the chair/person of the board of directors of the organization).
Organizations will also want to include a copy of the letter of determination from the IRS advising that their organization is exempt from taxes and not a private foundation, as well as mentioning their organization’s mission statement (just the mission statement for those not a 501 (c) 3).
Next, an organization will want to list the members of its board of directors along with their affiliations, as well as the principal administrative staff, including titles, primary functions, and combined salaries. Please note what staff members are responsible for the projects and funds.
A one-page year-end financial statement detailing income and expenses for the past two years is required, in addition to a detailed budget of the project for which the funds are being considered.
For organizations required to file a 990 Form, fill out hard copies of Section I and X (balance sheets) of 990 Forms for the past two years. Hard copies of all sections are not required, but organizations will want to be sure to turn in a Grant Report form for the current year to date with its application.
For any projects receiving other funds or in-kind contributions from additional agencies, include letters or other documentation from said agencies.
Three copies of the four-page application form for the Clark County Community Fund and requested attachments should be hand delivered no later than 4:00 p.m. on Aug. 31st to the Clark County Judge-Executive’s office in the Clark County Court House. Please do not email, fax, or send via US Mail. Do not staple, bind, or use notebooks or folders. Use only clips for the application. Must sign and date sign-in sheet in the Judge Executive’s office as proof of delivery.
Established in 1998 after the sale of the former Rockwell Village yielded approximately $2.5 million, the Clark County Community Fund exists as a personal endowment fund being part of the Bluegrass Community Foundation.
The fund aims to fulfill the needs of charitable and educational purposes by annually awarding amounts to charities, non-profit organizations, and additional qualifying entities.
The Fiscal Court also allocates some of the funds directly to the operation of the Kentucky River Foothills transit service, and during the most recent year also allocated towards 4th of July fireworks and the city of Winchester for pool debt.
Recent recipients who qualified for assistance through the Clark County Community Fund include Rapha Ministries, Inc., Winchester Community Work Group, Friends of Clark County Animal Shelter, Friends of Holly Rood, Habitat for Humanity, Winchester Unity Commerce, Bluegrass Heritage Museum, Clark County Homeless Coalition, New Beginnings, Heritage Commission, BCTC Foundation, and Upward 40391.