AARP has April meeting

AARP Chapter 632 met Tuesday, April 30 at the James B. Allen Generations Center with Sue Staton, president, presiding. There were 40 members and guests present.

Following the pledge to the flag, Eric Staton led the group in prayer. The group sang “Happy Birthday” to April celebrant Mary Higgins, and it was noted Corina Martin is still in the hospital.

Tax preparation volunteers who helped AARP members with their returns were honored.

Kenny Speakes, minister at Mount Zion Christian Church, presented the program. He sang several songs and gave an inspiring message about his mission trip to China. To the delight of the attendees, he also handed out CDs he had recorded.

Don Rose reported on the latest AARP board meeting. Rose said the local chapter may apply for a grant in the range of $350 to $1,000. He thinks the group could get a grant at the top range.

Possible ideas for securing a grant include:

— Procuring a booth ($35 to $60) at the Beer Cheese Festival to inform the public of AARP’s benefits and services and to recruit new members.

— Shredding papers at the library. The library may let the use their shredder, but Sue Staton has volunteered to pay half toward the purchase of one.

— Holding a public fish fry. Liz and Jimmy Gay have volunteered to help.

— Having a picnic.

The local AARP chapter welcomed two new members.

Colista Ledford read the secretary’s report and Joyce Reffett presented the treasurer’s report.

The next AARP meeting will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 28, at the James B. Allen Generations Center, 32 Meadow St.

Everyone 50 years or older is invited.
