Auditions for I Was Here project begin Sunday

The “Ancestor Spirit Portraits” for phase I of the I Was Here project are already hanging in the windows of downtown Winchester businesses.

The project, which debuted in Cheapside, Lexington, features images of contemporary African-American men, women and children along with references to significant touchpoints in the history of slavery.

Funding from the Clark County Community Foundation, The Greater Clark Foundation, and Wells Fargo brought the images to Winchester.

The project will expand soon into phase II, during which new images will be created using Clark County residents.

Artists Marjorie Guyon and Patrick Mitchell are looking for local models, actors and interested community members to photograph for phase II, “Shape Shifting: Becoming Each Other.” Phase II will simultaneously focus on Clark County’s past — who we were, — and Clark County’s future — who we can be.

Images will display the true story of Hannah and her son Daniel, two enslaved persons who lived in Clark County.

Clark County residents of all races, ethnicities, ages, genders, and socio-economic backgrounds are encouraged to audition for the chance to portray mothers, daughters, friends, families, sons, grandsons and granddaughters.

Once complete, the large scale images will appear throughout high traffic locations in Winchester/Clark County. Individuals ages 3 years and above may audition.

Those selected will earn compensation for their participation. The audition consists only of having a photograph(s) taken. No previous experience is needed.

Auditions are April 28 at First Baptist Church, 37 N. Highland Street, beginning at 1 p.m.; Tuesday, April 30 at Leeds Theater from 5 p.m.-7 p.m. and Thursday, May 9 (location and time to be determined).

For more information or to learn more about becoming involved, contact Patrick Mitchell at 347-645-9054,
