Meet Your Neighbor: Bailey Milheiser

Bailey Milheiser  spends most of her days at Beech Springs Farm Market as the assistant manager. She recently moved back to Kentucky after living in California and Florida for awhile. Milheiser started her job at Beech Springs in April, moving less than a mile down the road from her previous job at JK’s Cafe.

Winchester Sun: What’s a typical day on the job?

Bailey Milheiser: “We get as many fresh veggies and fruit in here as we can. So, I open all of the gates in the morning and load up because we have a big cooler in the barn here, so we keep all of that in there to keep it nice and fresh. I load up all of that, bring it down here, go through  all of the fruit, make sure it looks good, start frying up some pies. And now, we just started doing some coffee and breakfast things, so I get that done. Then I get the doors open and get everything ready to open up.”

WS: What usually surprises people about Beech Springs Farm Market?

BM: “I feel like most people who are new customers kind of realize how small, hometowney it is. We try to remember your name when you walk in the door, we ask how things are going, about your family and friends. I feel like that has a majority to do with people always wanting to come back. For my birthday, a customer brought me a doughnut that said ‘Happy Birthday’ because they knew I loved doughnuts. They’re just really sweet. Another thing most people don’t know about here is there’s a pavillion at the top that people can use for weddings, birthday parties, and that kind of stuff. Everytime  I tell somebody that, they are shocked because they can’t really see it from here. It’s really cute and private up there.”

WS: What is your favorite part about your job?

BM: “I love being outside, so I get the best of both worlds here. And the customers; they’re just so amazing.”

WS: What do you like to do outside of work?

BM: “I love hiking. I love to decorate. I flip furniture on the side; I’ve done many birthday parties for people, anniversaries, that kind of thing.”

WS: What are some of your favorite things to do in Clark County?

BM: “I do love the Pioneer Festival. We love beer cheese, and just hanging out with family and friends here.”

WS: What advice would you give to the younger generations?

BM: “Life is short, and it flies by after you have a kid. Pursue a career you are passionate about. Travel. Travel. Travel. Travel. You get to meet so many cool people and have so many cool experiences.”

WS: What is your favorite item in the store?

BM: “I would say the Southern Peach Barbecue Sauce. It goes with everything. I put it on my pizza. It’s good.”
