Keller: God’s amazing grace

As we approach the holiday season, many have already begun preparations for Christmas; the lights and decorations can be seen throughout our neighborhoods, the sounds of Christmas carols and songs on the radio, practice of church plays and programs are in full swing.

All of these things remind us of the festive and joyful season upon us.

Before we get caught up in all of the business of the season, let’s first be mindful of the holiday on our calendars in November, Thanksgiving.

We all have many things to be thankful for. They’re all vitally important.

I would like to share with you one at the top of my list: God’s amazing grace.

Of all the songs ever written, “Amazing Grace” has been recorded the most and by the largest number of artists.

This great song was written in 1779 by John Newton. It was a testimony of the grace of God in his life.

Before his conversion, Newton lived a wicked and sinful life.

Among many of his wrongs, he had captained a slave ship and brought many slaves from Africa to the U.S.

He had made his living in the wickedest of ways. But after experiencing the amazing grace of God, he wrote this song that has impacted many lives through history.

His headstone reads: “John Newton, clerk (pastor), once an infidel, a servant of slavers in Africa, was, by the rich mercy of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, preserved, restored, pardoned, and appointed to preach the Faith he had long labored to destroy.”

You may not remember his name, but this song is known throughout the ages of how amazing God’s grace is.

One of the most common definitions of Grace is “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.” Another is, “Grace is God’s freely given unmerited favor toward the sinful and failing, the expression of forgiving, redeeming, restoring love toward the unworthy.”

None of us did anything to deserve God’s grace. That is an act He does solely for you and me because He loves us.

Because of God’s amazing grace, sin’s power is broken. We all have been granted the opportunity and privilege to be freed from the grasp and the clutches of sin, given the hope of a new life in and through Christ Jesus — that amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind, but now I see.

In this season, I encourage you to reflect upon the blessings of the lord and be thankful for God’s amazing grace.

Billy Keller is the Pastor of Trinity Church of God, 285 Winn Avenue, you can contact him at
