Mitchell volunteers to help kids

Michelle Mitchell figures she would be doing something to serve other people whether or not her children were involved in school sports.

Her three children have all played sports in Clark County, so she has helped as one of the boosters for the softball, basketball and now  football teams.

For Mitchell, who works in the family resource center at Conkwright Junior High School, it’s been a long road.

“Since 2000, we’ve only had two years when we’ve not had a child involved in Clark County sports,” she said. “We have three more years to go.”

Her two daughters, Kelsey and Kolbi have both graduated from Clark County, but son Trace is starting football after also playing basketball and baseball.

Mitchell said she learned about running a sports team after watching husband Rick coach football and softball.

“I saw what it takes to keep the program where the coaches want it to be,” she said. Sometimes it’s working bingo. Sometimes it’s helping feed the team prior to games. Sometimes, she said, are things that “aren’t pretty.”

“It’s working concessions,” she said. “It’s working bingo, going to booster meetings. It’s all those things that get you to the end goal: making sure the kids have what they need.”

Sometimes those needs are equipment and uniforms for all the players. Sometimes it’s a meal between school and the game. Providing those items means raising money, whether through concessions or charitable gaming.

“The money the boosters make goes to buy equipment, practice clothes so the kids can look aline,” she said. “You do have the burden to feed the kids, end of the year banquets. It adds up.”

Mitchell is far from alone.

“There are several of us who have taken this on because it’s the right thing to do for your kids,” she said.

“It’s obviously fun to be involved and get to know kids you wouldn’t have otherwise. The thing that’s common (to all sports teams) is they’re all grateful. There’s a lot of ‘thank yous’ and ‘yes ma’ams.’”

Some of those connections and relationships continue after the players graduate and move on.

“i’ll still get messages on Facebook or Instagram saying ‘Hey Momma Mitchell,’” she said.
